رب اجعل هذا البلد امنا....


Ethiopia- Somalia again

Thousands of Ethiopian troops, backed by aircraft, artillery and tanks, have escalated a military offensive against fighters from the Islamic Courts Union.

The Ethiopians, backing fighters loyal to Somalia's internationally recognised - but largely powerless - interim government, captured the town of Baladweyne on Monday.
They also bombed airports to prevent the courts from rearming and moved further into courts-held territory.

Yusuf Dabo Geed, a Somali government officer, said: "We have taken control of Baladweyne and our forces are chasing the terrorists.

We have killed more than 60 Islamists, wounded others and captured some as prisoners of war."

Baladweyne is 100km north of Baidoa, seat of the transitional government.

The offensive came after thousands of Ethiopian soldiers prevented the Islamist Courts Union from surrounding and capturing Baidoa, the only major city under government control.

Following their defeat in Baladweyne, leaders of the Islamic courts called on the Ethiopian troops to withdraw.

Sheikh Mohamed Ibrahim Bilal, a senior Islamic commander, said: "We call on the international community to act soon about this violation."

Both sides have reported killing hundreds of their opponents in the recent fighting, but the claims could not be independently confirmed.

Also on Monday, Ethiopian fighter jets bombed the airports of Mogadishu, the Islamist-held capital, and Baledogle, Somalia's largest military airfield 100km to the west.

Ibrahim Hassan Adow, the foreign secretary of the Islamic Courts Union, told Al Jazeera that the bombing of Mogadishu by Ethiopian MiG aircraft injured two people, one of whom was a cleaner.

"Ethiopian attacks against Somalia have no limits. It seems the entire world is silent about it."

Ethiopia said it bombed the airport in order to halt the supply of arms to the courts.

Solomon Abede, the Ethiopian foreign ministry spokesman, said: "It was attacked because illegal flights were attempting to land there.

"It was also reported that some of the extremists were waiting for an airlift out of Mogadishu."

In November, a UN arms-monitoring group reported that flights originating in Eritrea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Djibouti and Syria landed in Mogadishu and Baledogle.

The UN and the Somali government said that many of the flights carried arms and military supplies for the Islamic Courts. The US has also been accused of funding and arming those fighting for the government.



الشيخ عطية صقر

كل كلمات الرثاء لا تفى هذا العالم ا لجليل
ولا يسعنا الا الترحم عليه والدعاء له
وان كنا نحن من فى حاجة للدعاء من الاتقياء أمثاله
وهذا ملخص لسيرته:
الاسم: عطية محمد عطية صقر
جهة الميلاد: بهنا باي مركز الزقازيق شرقية.
تاريخ الميلاد: الأحد 4 من المحرم 1333هـ الموافق 22 من نوفمبر 1914م
حفظ القرآن الكريم وعمره تسع سنوات، وجوَّده بالأحكام وعمره عشر سنوات، والتحق بالمدرسة الأولية بالقرية، ثم بمعهد الزقازيق الديني سنة 1928م، وتخرج في كلية أصول الدين، وحصل منها على الشهادة العالية سنة 1941م، والتحق بتخصص الوعظ، وحصل منه على شهادة العالمية مع إجازة الدعوة والإرشاد سنة 1943م وكان ترتيبه فيهما الأول.
عين بالأوقاف فور تخرجه إمامًا وخطيبًا ومدرسًا، بمسجد عبد الكريم الأحمدي، بباب الشعرية بالقاهرة، في 16 من أغسطس سنة 1943م، ونقل إلى مسجد الأربعين البحري بالجيزة (عمار بن ياسر حاليًا) في فبراير سنة 1944م، ثم عين واعظًا بالأزهر سنة 1945م في طهطا جرجاوية، ثم في السويس، ثم في رأس غارب بالبحر الأحمر، ثم في القاهرة، ورقي إلى مفتش، ثم مراقب عام بالوعظ، حتى أحيل إلى التقاعد في نوفمبر سنة 1979م، وعمل في أثناء ذلك مترجمًا للغة الفرنسية بمراقبة البحوث والثقافة بالأزهر سنة 1955م، ووكيلاً لإدارة البعوث سنة 1969م، ومدرسًا بالقسم العالي للدراسات الإسلامية والعربية بالأزهر، ومديرًا لمكتب شيخ الأزهر سنة 1970م، وأمينًا مساعدًا لمجمع البحوث الإسلامية.
وبعد التقاعد عمل مستشارًا لوزير الأوقاف، وعضوًا بالمجلس الأعلى للشؤون الإسلامية، وعضوًا بمجمع البحوث الإسلامية بالأزهر، ورئيسًا للجنة الفتوى، وانتخب عضوًا بمجلس الشعب سنة 1984م، وعين عضوًا بمجلس الشورى سنة 1989م، ومديرًا للمركز الدولي للسُّنَّة والسيرة بالمجلس الأعلى للشؤون الإسلامية بالأوقاف سنة 1991م.
وفي مجال النشاط الخارجي:
تعاقد مع وزارة الأوقاف بالكويت سنة 1972م لمدة سبع سنوات، وسافر في رحلات إلى إيران، ثم أندونيسيا سنة 1971م، وليبيا سنة 1972م، والبحرين سنة 1976م، والجزائر سنة 1977م، كما سافر في مهمة رسمية بعد التقاعد إلى السنغال ونيجيريا وبنين والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وباكستان وبنجلاديش والعراق، وزار باريس ولندن وماليزيا وبروناي وسنغافورة والاتحاد السوفيتي.
وفي مجال النشاط العلمي:
شارك الشيخ في البرامج الدينية بالإذاعة والتليفزيون، وتنشر له الصحف والمجلات، ويقوم بالخطابة والوعظ، ويعقد الندوات في دور التعليم والمؤسسات المختلفة، مع نشاطه في لجنة الفتوى، ومجمع البحوث الإسلامية، والمجلس الأعلى للشؤون الإسلامية، والرد على الاستفسارات الدينية تحريريًّا وشفويًّا.
حصل على وسام العلوم والفنون من الطبقة الأولى سنة 1983م، وعلى نوط الامتياز من الطبقة الأولى سنة 1989م.
مؤلفاته :
وله مؤلفات كثيرة منها:
1- الدعوة الإسلامية دعوة عالمية.
2- الدين العالمي ومنهج الدعوة إليه.
3- موسوعة الأسرة تحت رعاية الإسلام (6 مجلدات).
4- دراسات إسلامية لأهم القضايا المعاصرة.
5- توجيهات دينية واجتماعية.
6- بيان للناس عن التيارات الحديثة والمسائل الخلافية (مجلدان).
7- س، ج للمرأة المسلمة (100 سؤال وجواب).
8- المصطفون الأخيار (في الرد على شبهات حول الأنبياء).
9- الإسلام في مواجهة التحديات.
10- الإسلام ومشكلات الحياة (مجموعة فتاوى).
11- من نور القرآن الكريم (نماذج حية للربط بين الدين والحياة).
12- الإسلام دين العمل (العمل والعمال في نظر الإسلام).
13- منهج الإصلاح في دعوة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
14- الزكاة وآثارها الاجتماعية.
15- الإسلام والتحرر من الجوع.
16- الحجاب وعمل المرأة.
17- البابية والبهائية (تاريخًا ومذهبًا).
18- فن إلقاء الموعظة.
19- مختصر السيرة النبوية.
20- من أدب الدعوة.
21- التعريف بالإسلام (رسالة مركزة ترجمت للإنجليزية والفرنسية).
22- نظرات في التربية الإسلامية.
23- التفرقة العنصرية.
24- نظرة الإسلام إلى الرق.
25- دولة العلم والإيمان.
26- المحافظة على الأسرار.
27- مغزى العبادات في الإسلام.
28- الإسلام ومكافحة المخدرات.
29- الإسلام هو الحل (المنهج السليم إلى صراط الله المستقيم).
30- التدخين في نظر الإسلام.
31- الإباحة ومنزلتها في التشريع (تحت الطبع).
32- منارات على الطريق، في الدين والأدب والاجتماع (عدة أجزاء).
33- أحسن الكلام في الفتاوى والأحكام (عدة أجزاء).
34- من علوم القرآن الكريم .
35- دليل الحاج (خير رفيق إلى بين الله العتيق).
36- المسلمون في العالم.


How I see Palestine
By Jimmy Carter, Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service

I signed a contract with Simon & Schuster two years ago to write a book about the Middle East, based on my personal observations as the Carter Centre monitored three elections in Palestine and on my consultations with Israeli political leaders and peace activists.

We covered every Palestinian community in 1996, 2005 and 2006, when Yasser Arafat and later Mahmoud Abbas were elected president and members of parliament were chosen. The elections were almost flawless, and turnout was very high except in the eastern part of occupied Jerusalem, where, under severe Israeli restraints, only about 2 per cent of registered voters managed to cast ballots.

The many controversial issues concerning Palestine and the path to peace for Israel are intensely debated among Israelis and throughout other nations but not in the United States. For the last 30 years, I have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts. This reluctance to criticise policies of the Israeli government is due to the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the American-Israel Political Action Committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices.

It would be almost politically suicidal for members of Congress to espouse a balanced position between Israel and Palestine, to suggest that Israel comply with international law or to speak in defence of justice or human rights for Palestinians. Very few would ever deign to visit the Palestinian cities of Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron, Gaza City or even Bethlehem and talk to the beleaguered residents.

What is even more difficult to comprehend is why the editorial pages of the major newspapers and magazines in the United States exercise similar self-restraint, quite contrary to private assessments expressed forcefully by their correspondents in the Holy Land.

With some degree of reluctance and some uncertainty about the reception my book would receive, I used maps, text and documents to describe the situation and to analyse the only possible path to peace: Israelis and Palestinians living side by side within their own internationally recognised boundaries.

These options are consistent with key UN resolutions supported by the US and Israel, official American policy since 1967, agreements consummated by Israeli leaders and their governments in 1978 and 1993 (for which they earned Nobel Peace Prizes), the Arab League's offer to recognise Israel in 2002 and the International Quartet's "Roadmap for Peace", which has been accepted by the PLO and rejected by Israel.

My book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, is devoted to circumstances and events in Palestine and not in Israel, where democracy prevails and citizens live together and are legally guaranteed equal status.

Brisk sales

Although I have spent a week or so on a book tour, it is already possible to judge public and media reaction. Sales are brisk, and I have had interesting interviews on TV, including Larry King Live, Hardball, Meet the Press, The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer, the Charlie Rose show, C-SPAN and others. But I have seen few news stories in major newspapers about what I have written.

Book reviews in the mainstream media have been written mostly by representatives of Jewish organisations who would be unlikely to visit the Occupied Territories, and their primary criticism is that the book is anti-Israel. Two members of Congress have been publicly critical. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat, California, for instance, issued a statement (before the book was published) saying that "he does not speak for the Democratic Party on Israel". Some reviews posted on Amazon.com call me "anti-Semitic", and others accuse the book of "lies" and "distortions". A former Carter Centre fellow has taken issue with it, and Alan Dershowitz called the book's title "indecent".

Out in the real world, however, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. I've signed books in five stores, with more than 1,000 buyers at each site. I've had one negative remark that I should be tried for treason and one caller on C-SPAN said that I was an anti-Semite. My most troubling experience has been the rejection of my offers to speak, for free, about the book on university campuses with high Jewish enrolment and to answer questions from students and professors. I have been most encouraged by prominent Jewish citizens and members of Congress who have thanked me privately for presenting the facts and some new ideas.

The book describes the abominable oppression and persecution in the occupied Palestinian territories, with a rigid system of required passes and strict segregation between Palestine's citizens and Jewish colonists in the West Bank. An enormous imprisonment wall is now under construction, snaking through what is left of Palestine, to encompass more and more land for Israeli colonists. In many ways, this is more oppressive than what blacks lived under in South Africa during apartheid. I have made it clear that the motivation is not racism but the desire of a minority of Israelis to confiscate and colonise choice sites in Palestine, and then to forcefully suppress any objections from the displaced citizens. Obviously, I condemn acts of terrorism or violence against innocent civilians.

The ultimate purpose of my book is to present facts about the Middle East that are largely unknown in the US, to precipitate discussion and to help restart peace talks that can lead to permanent peace for Israel and its neighbours. Another hope is that Jews and other Americans who share this goal might be motivated to express their views, even publicly, and perhaps in concert. I would be glad to help with that effort.

- Jimmy Carter was the 39th president of the United States. His newest book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, was published in November.

source: gulf news.



أعتقد ان حكم الاعدام لن يكون كافيا فى حق مجرم مثل رمضان التوربينى سفاح الاطفال,
وأتفق مع من ينادى باعدامه علناَ بعد ثبوت ادانته, الا أن القانون المصرى لا يسمح بالاعدام العلنى,
وكانت أخر قضية تم فيها الاعدام علنيا -على حد علمى-هى قضية حادثة دنشواى .
لكن أعتقد ان القانون يجب أن يعدل ليتجاوب مع بعض الحالات الاستثنائية ,
فمن قتل شخصاَ ليس كمن قتل عدد من الاطفال بهذه الاساليب البشعة بعد ان اغتصبهم .
أعرف أن هذا الكلام لن يرضى الكثيرين خاصة من يطالبون بالغاء عقوبة الاعدام,
لكن أعتقد أن أقل من الاعدام العلنى لن يريح قلوب أباء وأمهات الضحايا.


فاروق حسنى وسيد قراره

بالرغم من رفضى التام لتصريح وزير الثقافة فاروف حسنى الخاص بالحجاب الا انى
اتعجب من رد الفعل المبالغ فيه .
فالتصريح لم يتحول الى توجه او قرار يمس حرية العقيدة أو الزى , كما انه ليس التصريح الاول للوزير , أضافة الى أن أغلب من أثاروا هذه الضجة فى مجلس الشعب لم يظهروا غيره على الاسلام مماثله من قبل و للاسف لا يراعوا الله فى كثير من مواقفهم
لكن التوقيت قد يدفع الكثيرين للبحث عما وراء الأزمة . وهل هناك من يحركها لهدف ما؟
الله أعلم.


Lets be positive against the war criminals!

لنكن ايجابيين
ولنشارك فى حملة التوقيعات ضد مجرم الحرب دونالد رامسفيلد.
لقد قام عدد من المحامين بتحريك دعوى فى ألمانيا ضد الوزير المريكى المستقيل"رامسفيلد" ,فأتمنى أن يشارك فيها الجميع خاصة أن هناك حملة توقيعات مضادة للدفاع عنه وعن جرائمه.
فلنكن ايجابيين.

Call on the German Federal Prosecutor to Investigate Rumsfeld and Other U.S. Officials for War Crimes at Abu Ghraib

To: German Federal Prosecutor's Office
Call on the German Federal Prosecutor to Investigate Rumsfeld and Other U.S. Officials for War Crimes at Abu Ghraib

The Center for Constitutional Rights and four Iraqis who were tortured in U.S. custody filed a complaint on November 30 with the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office against high ranking United States civilian and military commanders over the abuses at Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere in Iraq.

We are asking the German prosecutor to launch an investigation because the U.S. government is unwilling to open an independent investigation into the responsibility of these officials for war crimes and the U.S. has refused to join the International Criminal Court. CCR and the Iraqi victims brought this complaint to Germany as a court of last resort. Several of the defendants are stationed in Germany.

The Pentagon and the U.S. government are taking this suit very seriously. According to the Deutsche Press Agency, Donald Rumsfeld has warned Germany that he will not attend an upcoming security conference in Munich if there is any indication of an investigation going forward, and Chief Pentagon Spokesman Larry Di Rita, calling the complaint “frivolous,” said that he raised the case with the State Department: "State is engaged in this. Obviously, it's something that we're focused on and very concerned with…” Please encourage the German prosecutor not to bow to U.S. pressure.

Defendants in the suit include Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, former CIA Director George Tenet, Lt. General Ricardo S. Sanchez, Major-General Walter Wojdakowski, Brig.-General Janis Karpinski, Lt.-Colonel Jerry L. Phillabaum, Colonel Thomas M. Pappas, Lt.-Colonel Stephen L. Jordan, Major-General Geoffrey Miller, and Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence Stephen Cambone.

German law allows German courts to prosecute for killing, torture, cruel and inhumane treatment, forcible transfers and sexual coercion such as occurred at Abu Ghraib. The world has seen the photographs and read the leaked “torture memos” – we are doing what is necessary when other systems of justice have failed and seeking to hold officials up the chain of command responsible for the shameful abuses that occurred.

Please join our effort! The letter appears below, first in German and then in English. The German Prosecutor has discretion to decide whether to initiate an investigation. It is critical that he hear from you so he knows that people around the world support this effort.

For more information,visit:www.ccr-ny.org/


Click here to sign petition


Rumsfeld, Go to hell

ها هو مجرم الحرب دونالد رامسفيلد يجبر على الاستقالة لتخفيف أثار هزائمه فى العراق على الادارة الامريكية المتخبطة والتى بدأت تحصد ثمار رعونتها من خلال نتائج انتخابات الكونجرس
و لكن هل تكفى الاقالة لمثل هذا المجرم ورفاقه فى الادارة المريكية؟
بالطبع لا, فهؤلاء يجب أن يحاكموا على جرائمهم. والفرصة الان سانحة بعد أن فقد رامسفيلد حصانته وأصبح من الممكن مقلضاته
فهل نجد هذا المجرم يوما ما وراء القضبان؟...ليس على الله ببعيد.


نورت مصر

كل من تابع أزمة المعتمرين العالقين بالأردن والمعاناة التى لاقوها فى الذهاب والعودة لابد وأن يتسائل
هل هناك حكومة مسؤلة عن هؤلاء المواطنين وهل لدينا بالفعل وزارة للنقل!؟ أو للسياحة؟! ,والاكثر استفزازاَ أن أغلب المصريين
قد تابعوا الحملة الاعلانية التى قامت بها وزارة السياحة والتى تكلفت 40 مليونا لجذب السياح العرب والشهيرة ب(نورت مصر) . فهل الوزارة التى تنفق بسخاء على اعلان سطحى تعجز على توفير عدة أتوبيسات وعبارات لنقل المعتمرين أو حتى محاسبة شركات السياحة التى تلاعبت بهم !؟


استطلاع: ثلث العالم يؤيد التعذيب في بعض الظروف

أظهر استطلاع عالمي للرأي أجرته بي بي سي أن ما يقارب ثلث سكان العالم يؤيد استخدام التعذيب في السجون تحت بعض الظروف.
ومع أن 59 بالمائة من الذين استطلعت آراؤهم أعربوا عن معارضتهم للتعذيب تحت أي ظرف، إلا أن 29 بالمائة قالوا إنه من المقبول استخدام درجة معينة من التعذيب لمكافحة الإرهاب.
وتبين أن معظم الأميركيين يعارضون التعذيب، لكن معارضة التعذيب في أوروبا أقوى منها في الولايات المتحدة.
وقد سألت منظمة غلوبسكان الدولية للاحصاءات أكثر من 27 الف مشارك في 25 بلدا إذا يعتبرون أن التعذيب مقبول في حال يمكن أن يوفر معلومات تؤدي إلى انقاذ حياة بعض الناس.
واعتبر حوالي 36 بالمائة من المشاركين الأميركيين أن هذا أمر مقبول، في حين أعرب 58 بالمائة منهم عن عدم قبولهم لأية تسوية في موضوع حقوق الانسان.
وأكدت أغلبية الذين شاركوا بالاستطلاع الذي أجرته الخدمة العالمية في بي بي سي أنه يجب الحفاظ على قواعد واضحة تمنع ممارسة التعذيب في السجون لأنه غير أخلاقي ولأن استخدامه سيضعف من معايير حقوق الانسان.
يذكر أن جميع الدول التي خضعت للاستطلاع هي من الدول التي وقعت اتفاقية جنيف التي تمنع استخدام التعذيب.
لكن الدول التي تعاني من مشاكل متعلقة بالعنف السياسي هي التي بدت في الاستطلاع أكثر ميلا لتقبل فكرة درجة معينة من التعذيب بسبب ما تراه من تهديد إرهابي تتعرض له.
والنسبة الأعلى في أية دولة لتأييد درجة من التعذيب كانت في اسرائيل، حيث قال 43 بالمائة من الذين شاركوا أنهم يقبلون درجة معينة من التعذيب.
لكن نسبة أعلى (48 بالمائة) رفضت ذلك.
وبدا في اسرائيل تفاوت كبير بين اليهود الذين أيدت غالبيتهم (58 بالمائة) استخدام درجة من التعذيب للحصول على معلومات من السجناء، في حين عارض ذلك 39 بالمائة منهم.
أما المسلمون في اسرائيل، الذين تبلغ نسبتهم 16 بالمائة من الذين شاركوا بالاستطلاع، فعارضوا أي استخدام للتعذيب بأغلبيتهم الساحقة.
أما الدول الأخرى التي أبدى المشاركون فيها نسبة مرتفعة نسبيا تؤيد استخدام التعذيب تحت بعض الظروف، فتتضمن العراق (42 بالمائة) والفيليبين (40 بالمائة) واندونيسيا (40 بالمائة) وروسيا (37 بالمائة) والصين (37 بالمائة).
لكن في جميع هذه الدول كانت نسبة الذين يعارضون أي شكل من أشكال التعذيب أكبر من المؤيدين.
وفي مصر أبدى 25 بالمائة من المشاركين تأييدهم لاستخدام التعذيب في بعض الظروف، في حين عارض ذلك 65 بالمائة من المشاركين.
وبرزت في إيطاليا النسبة الأعلى للمعارضين تحت أي ظرف للتعذيب (81 بالمائة).
كما أن نسبة المعارضين كانت مرتفعة في فرنسا (75 بالمائة) وأستراليا (75 بالمائة) وألمانيا (71 بالمائة) وبريطانيا (72 بالمائة).
المصدر: بى بى سى


muslims insist on popes apology

"Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi"------------------------------------------------------WORLD CAPITALS – A growing chorus of Muslim leaders worldwide were united Friday, September 15, in insisting on a clear-cut apology from Pope Benedict over his comments that showed how little he understands Islam and could hurt religious harmony.
"We demand that he apologizes personally, and not through (Vatican) sources, to all Muslims for such a wrong interpretation," said Lebanese Shiite scholar Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, Reuters reported.
"While we strongly condemn and reject this talk ... we call for Muslim-Christian relations based on an in-depth scientific understanding of the mutual points of view, leaving aside sensational words," said Fadlallah.
Sheikh Hamza Mansour, who heads the Shura Council of the Islamic Action Front, Jordan's largest opposition party, said only a personal apology could rectify the "deep insult made by the provocative comments" to over 1 billion Muslims.
The head of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt called on Islamic countries to threaten to break off relations with the Vatican unless the Pontiff withdrew his remarks and apologize.
"The general guide (Mohammad Mahdi Akef) expressed his surprise that such comments should come from someone who sits at the summit of the Catholic Church and who has an influence over public opinion in the West," said a statement on the Muslim Brotherhood's official Web site, www.ikhwanonline.com.
In his speech at the University of Regensburg on Tuesday, Benedict quoted criticism of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by 14th century Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus, who wrote that everything Muhammad brought was evil and inhuman, "such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
Benedict repeatedly quoted Manuel's argument that spreading the faith through violence is unreasonable, adding: "Violence is incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul."
The pope's official spokesman later issued a response to the outcry, saying that Benedict respected Islam but rejected violence motivated by religion.
"It was certainly not the intention of the Holy Father to do an in-depth study of jihad and Muslim thinking in this field and still less so to hurt the feelings of Muslim believers," said Federico Lombardi, head of the Vatican's press department.
Akef said he is surprised that such comments should come from someone who sits at the summit of the Catholic Church.
Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the head of the International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS), said the pope's words reflected ignorance of the basic tenets of Islam.
"The pope spoke about Islam without reading first its scriptures, the Noble Qur'an, and Prophet Muhammad's hadiths, but sufficed to cite a conversation between a Byzantine emperor and a Persian Muslim intellectual," said in a statement, a copy of which was sent to IslamOnline.net.
"The pope forgot that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) came with a message that struck the right balance between this life and the Hereafter, between individual and society and between rights and duties," he added.
"Everything that Prophet Muhammad brought was good and by far surpassed the things brought by Christianity and Judaism," he continued.
Sheikh Qaradawi said Jihad in Islam is for self-defense and not to impose the Muslim faith on someone and the Noble Qur'an says: "There is no compulsion in religion."
"To say hat Prophet Muhammad brought evil and inhuman things like spreading faith by the sword is either a calumny or pure ignorance, in effect."
And the prominent scholar wondered: "Does the pope want to close the door on dialogue and new crusades to be readied?"
"We hoped that the pope would call for a constructive dialogue between all religions and civilizations to lay to rest clashes and feuds," he said.
Din Syamsuddin, chairman of Muhammadiyah, the second largest Islamic organization in Indonesia, echoed Qaradawi's statements.
"The Pope's statements reflect his lack of wisdom. It is obvious from the statements that the Pope doesn't have a correct understanding of Islam," Syamsuddin told Reuters.
The Pakistani parliament Friday also unanimously called on the pontiff to take back his words.
"This House demands that the pope should retract his remarks in the interest of harmony between religions," said the resolution passed by the National Assembly of the overwhelmingly Muslim country.
Crusade Language
Sheikh Qaradawi wondered: "Does the pope want to close the door on dialogue and new crusades to be readied?"
The comments also stirred anger in India with the head of the National Commission for Minorities saying the Pope sounded like a medieval crusader.
"The language used by the pope sounds like that of his 12th century counterpart who ordered the crusades," said Hamid Ansari, chairman of the National Commission for Minorities.
A member of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board also slammed the pope's words, saying they were "nothing but blasphemy," and called on Muslims to "exercise restraint and not lose their cool."
In Turkey, the Anatolian state news agency quoted Ali Bardakoglu, the head of Ankara's Directorate General for Religious Affairs, as describing the Pope's words as "extremely regrettable".
"I do not see any use in somebody visiting the Islamic world who thinks in this way about the holy prophet of Islam. He should first rid himself of feelings of hate," NTV's website quoted Bardakoglu as saying.
Bardakoglu, whose directorate controls all imams in Turkey and sends imams to Turkish communities abroad, recalled atrocities committed by Roman Catholic Crusaders during the Middle Ages in the name of their faith against Orthodox Christians and Jews as well as Muslims


Al-Ahram World Open Squash Championship

Sensational Fightback Sees Palmer Win World Open Crown In Egypt

Australia's David Palmer came back from the dead to beat Frenchman Gregory Gaultier in a drama-filled final of the Al-Ahram World Open Squash Championship, played out on an all-glass court on the Giza Plateaux in Egypt, with the country's world-famous pyramids providing a stunning backdrop.
The PSA Tour's flagship event was back in the sport's most spectacular setting for the first time since 1999 – with the undoubted local hopes that Egypt's 'Prince of Squash' Amr Shabana, the world No1 and title-holder, would feature in tonight's climax.
But Shabana's defence crumbled in the previous round when France's bright new hope Gregory Gaultier – a 23-year-old from Aix-en-Provence who had never before reached a PSA Super Series final - pulled off a sensational upset to dethrone the champion in four games.
Belying his lack of experience on such a stage, however, Gaultier forged a two-games-to-love lead in the final against Palmer - the experienced 30-year-old world No2 who was making his third appearance in a world final, with a famous victory in 2002 in his adopted home town of Antwerp in Belgium to his credit.
Palmer, celebrating his 40th appearance in a PSA Tour event final, dug deep and hauled himself back into the match, winning the third game by the same 11-9 margin as the Frenchman had taken the earlier games, then forcing the fourth into a tie-break.
The Australian saved no less than five match balls against him before clinching victory in the game to level the match.
By now, the younger Gaultier was almost a spent force. Palmer duly enforced his advantage and wrapped up a remarkable 9-11, 9-11, 11-9, 11-10 (6-4), 11-2 victory in 103 minutes to claim the World Open title for a second time.
"I didn’t play my best squash today, that’s for sure, but if you think of the preparation I had this summer, I just went home for three months, I think that being away from it all for that whole period helped me to want to win again, and since the birth of my daughter Kayla, everything is different, I play for her, I play for Mel," a jubilant Palmer told www.squashsite.co.uk
A disappointed Gaultier was already looking ahead: "I’ve played a super tournament, even if I ended up with a loss. Now I need to go back to the drawing board, and start again on solid bases. Won’t be easy, but I hope that one day, I’ll win that World Championship title."
The match – which marks the 18th PSA Tour title of Palmer's career - was not only the longest of the tournament, but the longest World Open final in recent memory.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gaultier Stuns Champion Shabana To Set Up World Open Final Against Palmer
Australia's No2 seed David Palmer and France's eighth seed Gregory Gaultier will meet in Wednesday's final of the Al-Ahram World Open Squash Championship after Palmer defeated former champion Thierry Lincou and Gaultier disappointed the packed local crowd when he upset Egypt's top seed and defending champion Amr Shabana in dramatic semi-finals on on the all-glass court set alongside Egypt's famous pyramids of Giza.
For Palmer, the 2002 champion, it will be his third appearance in the final – but for Gaultier, the fast-rising 23-year-old who has never before progressed beyond the event's third round and who today celebrated a career-high world No7 ranking, it will be his maiden appearance in any PSA Super Series event final.
It was a fine display by the young Frenchman who had only once before beaten the in-form Shabana, the 27-year-old from Giza who has topped the world rankings for the past six months and boasts three PSA Tour titles this year.
After taking the first two games, Gaultier lost his way in the third game as Shabana turned on his racket magic and reduced the deficit. But Gaultier could still sense victory and duly regained his focus in the fourth game to charge to a majestic 11-5, 11-7, 2-11, 11-9 win.
When Palmer, the world No2 from Lithgow in New South Wales, took a two-games-to-love lead against Lincou, the world No3, he must have thought back to May when he reached the same position against the Frenchman in the final of the Liverpool 08 Open – and went on to lose in five!
Indeed, after a tie-break in the second which ended in Palmer's favour, Lincou survived the third game tie-break to force the match into a fourth game. But Palmer was not about to let history repeat itself, and maintained his composure to record an impressive 11-2, 11-10 (2-0), 10-11 (0-2), 11-5 win – a victory which brings the career head-to head tally between the two to six wins apiece!
Gaultier, from Aix-en-Provence, has faced Palmer four times on the PSA Tour since November 2003 - but, despite taking the experienced 30-year-old former world number one to five games in their last two meetings, has never yet beaten the Australian. Victory at the pyramids would surely signal the arrival of the French number two!
Gaultier Denies Egyptian Double In Giza
The giant-killing run of 18-year-old Egyptian Ramy Ashour came to an end on the all-glass court alongside the pyramids of Giza when Frenchman Gregory Gaultier denied hosts representation in both semi-finals of the Al-Ahram World Open Squash Championship in Egypt.
Gaultier, the 23-year-old eighth seed from Aix-en-Provence, is currently enjoying an excellent run of form – after reaching the final of the English Open last month and winning the European Individual Championship crown for the third year in a row in June.
Unseeded Ashour, who recently became the first man in history to win the World Junior Championship title for a second time, took his unexpected place in the last eight after upsetting tenth seed Lee Beachill in a marathon five-game second round match.
Gaultier, who stopped the Egyptian teenager in the first round of the event almost twelve months ago, was too strong for the local hero in the sport's iconic Giza setting, winning 11-10 (3-1), 11-9, 11-2 in 44 minutes.
"I played Ramy in Hong Kong, and that was quite easy, but a year later, he has improved immensely," Gaultier told www.squashsite.co.uk afterwards. "But today, I came on court to play and beat him, not to get to the semi-final of the World Open. That’s all I saw. My opponent. Nothing else. And I wanted to stay on court as short as possible."
Now in his first World Open semi-final, the Frenchman will face another Egyptian - favourite Amr Shabana, the title-holder. The pair have met three time before – all during last year – with world number one Shabana holding a 2/1 advantage.
In the earlier match on the second day of quarter-final action by the pyramids, David Palmer triumphed in the all-Australian battle with Anthony Ricketts, the second seed from Lithgow in New South Wales - recovering from a game down to beat the No5 seed from Sydney 9-11, 11-3, 11-6, 11-7 in 70 minutes.
Palmer, the 2002 champion now in the semi-finals of the championship for the fourth time, meets 2004 champion Thierry Lincou in a repeat of the Liverpool 08 Open final in May in which the Frenchman fought back from two games down to clinch the title. The Giza semi-final will be the pair's 12th PSA Tour meeting since 1999, with Palmer no doubt setting his sights on levelling the head-to-head tally to six-all.
from: http://www.squash.org/


real jews against real terrorists

Neturei Karta opposed the establishment of and retain all opposition to the existence of the so-called "State of Israel"!
Neturei-Karta is the Aramaic term for "Guardians of the City. The name Neturei-Karta originates from an incident in which R. Yehudah Ha-Nassi (Rabbi Judah the Prince) sent R. Hiyya and R. Ashi on a pastoral tour of inspection. In one town they asked to see the "guardians of the city" and the city guard was paraded before them. They said that these were not the guardians of the city but its destroyers, which prompted the citizens to ask who, then, could be considered the guardians. The rabbis answered, "The scribes and the scholars," referring them to Tehillim (Psalms) Chap. 127. (Jerusalem Talmud, Tractate Hagiga. 76c).
The name was given to a group of Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem who refused (and still refuse) to recognize the existence or authority of the so-called "State of Israel" and made (and still make) a point of publicly demonstrating their position, the position of the Torah and authentic unadulterated Judaism.
The group was founded in Jerusalem, Palestine in 1938, splitting off from Agudas Yisroel. Agudas Yisroel was established in 1912 for the purpose of fighting Zionism. Gradually lured by money and honor they sold out to the "Golden-Calf" (see Exodus, XXXII) of Zionism. Those who wanted to maintain their faith and continue the struggle against Zionism, dissociated themselves from Agudas Yisroel and associated parties.Over the years, a number of Neturei Karta activists and followers settled outside of Palestine. Some of the reasons that these individuals abandoned the country in which they and their families had lived for many generations (having lived there many years prior to the establishment of the illegitimate so-called "State of Israel") include; ideological refusal to live under the illegitimate heretical "Israeli" regime, them being exiled by the Zionist government for their insistence of remaining independent of the illegitimate heretical regime or them being unable to live a normal family life due to them and their families being persistently harassed, repeatedly incarcerated and many times even physically tortured by the Zionist police and agents. This dispersion resulted in the emergence of various Neturei Karta establishments on the broader international scene. These establishments include synagogues, educational institutions, publishing houses and organizations. The establishments in New York include three synagogues in Brooklyn (Boro Park and Williamsburg), three upstate, and organizations include the Friends of Jerusalem in NY, NY.
Neturei Karta is not - as is often alleged - a small sect or an extremist group of "ultra-orthodox" Jews. The Neturei Karta have added nothing to nor have they taken anything away from the written and oral law of the Torah as it is expressed in the Halacha and the Shulchan Aruch. The Neturei Karta are fighting the changes and inroads made by political Zionism during the past one-hundred odd years. Guided by the rabbis of our time and under the inspiring leadership of the late Reb Amram Blau, the Neturei Karta refuse to recognize the right of anyone to establish a "Jewish" state during the present period of exile.
There are those who wish to play down the Neturei Karta and its' Torah-true beliefs. This has been attempted many a time by stating that the Neturei Karta is a minority group and that compared to other Jewish groups the Neturei Karta aren't even noticeable in terms of number.
The name Neturei Karta is a name usually given to those people who regularly pray in the Neturei Karta synagogues (Torah Ve'Yirah Jerusalem, Torah U'Tefillah London, Torah U'Tefillah NY, Beis Yehudi Upstate NY, etc.), study in or send their children to educational institutions run by Neturei Karta, or actively participate in activities, assemblies or demonstrations called by the Neturei Karta. Although it is true that the number of families which could be classified as Neturei Karta members or activists per-se is relatively small (several thousand), the number of Orthodox Jews who believe in the anti-Zionist ideology which Neturei Karta is known for, number in the hundreds of thousands.
Neturei Karta oppose the so-called "State of Israel" not because it operates secularly, but because the entire concept of a sovereign Jewish state is contrary to Jewish Law.
All the great rabbis who in accordance with Jewish Law opposed Zionism at its inception did not do so merely due to consideration of the secular lifestyles of the then Zionist leaders or even for their opposition to Torah heritage and rejection of its values and practices, but due to the fact that the entire concept of a Jewish state is in direct conflict with a number of Judaism's fundamentals.
Condemnation of and segregation from anything connected to or affiliated with the so-called modern day "State of Israel" is based on the Talmud, the key fundamental doctrine of the Oral Tradition handed down by G-d to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The Talmud in Tractate Kesubos (p. 111a), teaches that Jews shall not use human force to bring about the establishment of a Jewish state before the coming of the universally accepted Moshiach (Messiah from the House of David). Furthermore it states that we are forbidden to rebel against the nations and that we should remain loyal citizens and we shall not attempt to leave the exile which G-d sent us into, ahead of time.
Jews are not allowed to dominate, kill, harm or demean another people and are not allowed to have anything to do with the Zionist enterprise, their political meddling and their wars.
Neturei Karta forbid any participation with the so-called "State of Israel" or any of its subsidiaries. Neturei Karta followers do not participate in "Israeli" elections nor do they accept any aid from "Bituach Le'Umi" (Social Security), and the educational institutions of the Neturei Karta reject any form of financial support from the so-called "Va'ad HaYeshivos" (equiv. to Department of Education).
The Zionist state employs a set of chief rabbis and uses religious parties to ornament their state with a clerical image. They study the Torah with commentaries altered to clothe the words with nationalistic nuances. Our rabbis have countless times proclaimed that it matters little which individuals or parties govern in the Zionist state because the very establishment and existence of the state itself is to be condemned and to be deplored.
The true Jews remain faithful to Jewish belief and are not contaminated with Zionism.
The true Jews are against dispossessing the Arabs of their land and homes. According to the Torah, the land should be returned to them.
Neturei Karta deplore the systematic uprooting of ancient Jewish communities by the Zionists, the shedding of Jewish and non-Jewish blood for the sake of Zionist sovereignty and the Neturei Karta favor a peaceful transition from the present Zionist rule to a non-Zionist entity.
According to Judaic Law the Torah has the last word. There is no such thing as a majority of Jews who happen to be Jewish by birth who can alter Torah Law in any way. In fact even the greatest rabbi or as Maimonides writes, "even the greatest prophet" [referring actually to an authentic prophet], has no right to distort or amend even one letter of the Torah.
Rabbi Blau stated shortly before his death that the acceptance by the United Nations of the Zionist state as a member state constituted a grave injustice to the Jewish people. Neturei Karta hope that this great error will be corrected at the earliest opportunity. The Neturei Karta regret that the Zionist state has usurped the holy name of Israel and that the Zionists so often pretend to speak in the name of the Jewish people and assume the right to act on our behalf. Only those rabbis who have not been affected or influenced by the poison of Zionism, can be considered the spiritual leaders of today's Jewry.
The world must know that the Zionists have illegitimately seized the name Israel and have no right to speak in the name of the Jewish people!from: www.nkusa.org


Egypt bids farewell to Mahfouz

Egypt yesterday bid farewell to Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz, who died on Wednesday, with military funeral procession from Al-Rashdan Mosque in Cairo. Mahfouz had been in hospital since mid-July after he fell during a midnight stroll and injured his head. Mahfouz's body, draped in the national flag, was borne on a horse-drawn gun carriage and accompanied by military cadets who carried flowers and the prizes Mahfouz won during his 70-year writing career
President Hosni Mubarak and Mahfouz's family led the mourners. Earlier in the day, a public memorial service was held for Mahfouz in the Hussein district of Old Cairo in accordance with the late novelist's wishes.
Scores of black-clad Egyptians and media people paid tribute to the much-loved writer, who died at the age of 95. Of his 50 novels, “The Cairo Trilogy”, published between 1955 and 1957, brought Mahfouz to the forefront of the Arab literary scene. The 'Trilogy' depicts traditional urban life and tells the story of a family who lived through the first half of the 20th century when Egypt was under British occupation and later became an independent monarchy. The three novels introduced the character Si-Sayed, the domineering patriarch, who became an icon in Egyptian culture.
As Mahfouz's body arrived at the Hussein Mosque under tight security, mourners rushed towards the coffin in a gesture of deep affection for the first Arab writer to receive the Nobel Prize for literature.
Old Cairo inspired many of Mahfouz's writings. Mahfouz was born in the nearby district of Gamalya in 1911. He spent most of his time at el-Fishawi café, which is a few meters from the mosque where Egyptians went to pray for him for the last time. Mahfouz won the Nobel Prize in 1988. Nearly half of Mahfouz's novels have been made into films that have been distributed throughout the Arabic-speaking world.
He wrote more than 100 short stories, many of which have been translated into English. Most of his works are set against the backcloth of the bustling city and portrayed a unique brand of 'Egyptianness' at a time when a national identity was taking shape.Throughout his life, the author was actively interested in politics and a staunch defender of tolerance. His novel, Children of Gabalawi (1959) was banned by Egypt's Islamic Al-Azhar University on the grounds that it violated Islamic principles by including characters who represented God and the Prophets.
The book, which was published in Lebanon and later translated into English, enraged an Islamic fundamentalist group, who said Mahfouz should be killed for blasphemy.In 1994, a young member of the group attacked Mahfouz and stabbed him in the neck.Grand Sheikh of Al-Azhar Sheikh Mohamed Sayyed Tantawi was at the funeral to pay homage to Mahfouz. He praised Mahfouz's efforts in making Egyptian literature known to the rest of the world. Grand Mufti Sheikh Ali Gomaa said Mahfouz loved Egypt and was “faithful to his country”. In one corner of the old mosque stood Mahfouz's wife and two daughters who prayed for the great writer.

More about Mafouz
Naguib Mahfouz1911 - 2006
Naguib Mahfouz was born in Gamaliya, Cairo on December 11, 1911. The family lived in two popular districts of the town, al-Jamaliya and al-Abbasiya which have provided the backdrop for most of his writings.
His father was a civil servant, and Mahfouz eventually followed in his footsteps. In his childhood, his mother often took him to museums and Egyptian history later became a major theme is many of his books. He graduated from Faculty of Arts, Philosophy Department, Cairo University in 1934. By 1936, having spent a year working on an M.A., he decided to become a professional writer.
He worked as a journalist at Ar-Risala, and contributed to Al-Hilal and Al-Ahram.Before turning to the novel, Mahfouz wrote articles and short stories. His first published book was a translation of James Baikie's work on ancient Egypt. His first collection of stories appeared in 1938. In 1939, he entered government bureaucracy, where he was employed for the next 35 years.
From 1939 until 1954, he was a civil servant at the Ministry of Endowments, and then worked as Director of the Foundation for Support of the Cinema, the State Cinema Organization. In 1969-71, he was a consultant for cinema affairs to the Ministry of Culture.
Mahfouz's early works, Abath al-Aqdar (1939), Radubis (1943), and Kifah Tibah (1944), were historical novels that were written as part of a larger unfulfilled project of 30 novels. Inspired by Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832), Mahfouz planned to cover the whole history of Egypt in a series of books. However, following the third novel, Mahfouz shifted his interest to the present, the psychological impact of the social change on ordinary people.
Mahfouz's major work in the 1950s was The Cairo Trilogy, which the author completed before the July Revolution. The novels were titled with the street names Palace Walk, Palace of Desire, and Sugar Street. Mahfouz set the story in the parts of Cairo where he grew up.
They depict the life of the al-Sayyid Ahmad Abd al-Jawad and his family over three generations in Cairo from World War I to the 1950s, when King Farouk I was overthrown. With its rich variety of characters and psychological understanding, the work connected Mahfouz to such authors as Balzac, Dickens, Tolstoy, and Galsworthy. Mahfouz ceased to write for some years after finishing the trilogy.
He started publishing again in 1959, now prolifically pouring out novels, short stories, journalism, memoirs, essays, and screenplays.
The Children of Gebelaawi (1959) portrayed Gebelaawi and his children. Gebelaawi has built a mansion in an oasis in the middle of a barren desert; his estate becomes the scene of a family feud which continues for generations. Whenever someone is depressed, suffering or humiliated, he points to the mansion at the top of the alley at the end opening out to the desert, and says sadly, "That is our ancestor's house, we are all his children, and we have a right to his property.
Why are we starving? What have we done?" The book was banned throughout the Arab world, except in Lebanon. In the 1960s Mahfouz further developed its theme that humanity is moving further away from God in his existentialist novels.
In The Thief and the Dogs (1961) he depicted the fate: a Marxist thief, who has been released from prison and plans revenge. Ultimately, he is murdered in a cemetery.
Mahfouz left his post as the Director of Censorship and was appointed Director of the Foundation for the Support of the Cinema. He was a contributing editor for the leading newspaper Al-Ahram and in 1969 he became a consultant to the Ministry of Culture, retiring in 1972. He has been a board member of Dar al Ma'aref publishing house.
Most of his novels have been serialized in Al-Ahram, and his writings also appeared in his weekly column, 'Point of View'.
In the 1960s and 1970s Mahfouz started to construct his novels more freely and use interior monologue. In Miramar (1967) he used a form of multiple first-person narration.
Four narrators, among them a Socialist and a Nasserite opportunist, represent different political views. In the center of the story is an attractive servant girl. In Arabian Nights and Days (1981) and in The Journey of Ibn Fatouma (1983) he used traditional Arabic narratives as subtexts. Akhenaton, Dweller in Truth (1985) is about conflict between old and new religious truths.
Mahfouz, called the "Balzac of Egypt", has written some 40 novels and short story collections, screenplays, and several stage plays. In his work, Mahfouz has described the development of his country in the 20th-century.
He has combined intellectual and cultural influences from East and West, his own exposure to the literature of non-Arabic culture began in his youth with the enthusiastic consumption of Western detective stories.
Mahfouz's stories are almost always set in the heavily populated urban quarters of Cairo. He had focused on 'the little man', who has to deal with the modernization of society and the temptations of Western values.
In his own country, his characters have become household words, and he is widely considered a spokesperson not only for Egypt but also for a number of non-Western cultures. Before the Nobel Prize only a few of Mahfouz's novels had appeared in the West. Jacqueline Onassis was among those people, who brought early translations to the English-speaking readers.
In 1994, Mahfouz was stabbed in the neck with a kitchen knife. Two Egyptian Islamic militants were sentenced to death in 1995 for attempting to kill him.
Early in the morning on August 30, 2006, Naguib Mahfouz died at Police Hospital in Agouza.Selected works:
• Abath al-Agdar, 1939 - Mockery of the Fates• Radubis, 1943• Kifah Tibah, 1944• Khan al-Khalili, 1944• Al-Qahirah al-Jadidah, 1946 - New Cairo• Zuqaq al-Midaqq, 1947 - Midaq Alley –• Al-Sarab, 1949• Bidayah wa-Nihayah, 1949 - The Beginning and the End.• Al-Thulatiya, 1956-57 - The Cairo Trilogy; Bayn al-Qasrayn (1956) - Palace Walk - Quasr al-Shawq (1957) - Palace of Desire - al-Sukkariyah (1957) - Sugar Street• Children of Gebelaawi, 1959 - Children of the Alley• Al-Liss wa-al-Kilab, 1961 - The Thief and the Dogs• Al-Summan wa-Al-kharif, 1962 - Autumn Quail• Al-Tariq, 1964 - The Search• Al-Shahhadh, 1965 - The Beggar• Thartharah fawq al Nil, 1966 - Adrift on the Nile• Miramar, 1967• Al Maraya, 1971 - Mirrors• Al-Hubb taht Al Matar, 1973• Al-Karnak, 1974• Qualb al-Layl, 1975• Hadrat al-Muhtaram, 1975 - Respected Sir• Malhamat al-Harafish, 1977 - The Harafish• Layali alf Laylah, 1981 - Arabian nights and days• Rihlat ibn Fattumah, 1983 - The Journey of Ibn Fatouma• Akhenaten, Dweller in truth, 1985• Hadith al-Sabah wa-al-Masa, 1987• Echoes from an autobiography, 1994The arabic site of Mahfouz


Petition online

Save the Lebanese Civilians Petition
To The Concerned Citizen of The World:
"Killing innocent civilians is NOT an act of self-defense. Destroying a sovereign nation is NOT a measured response."
Lebanese civilians have been under the constant attack of the state of Israel for several days. The State of Israel, in disregard to international law and the Geneva Convention, is launching a maritime and air siege targeting the entire population of the country. Innocent civilians are being collectively punished in Lebanon by the state of Israel in deliberate acts of terrorism as described in Article 33 of the Geneva Convention.
The Lebanese people feel left out by the world that is turning a blind eye on the savagery of the Israeli state. Israel does not seem to be capable of approaching any problem outside the realm of the military power bestowed on it by the government of the United States of America and other western governments.
We are writing you this letter in the hope that this massacre is immediately stopped. It is the universal duty of each individual to defend the innocents and expose the truth. The numerous civilian victims of the Israeli operations are increasing by the hour. The viciousness of the attacks has attained terrifying levels where a child has been cut in three while another was half burned.
The Israeli war machine, in its blind savagery, is destroying not only our lives but the foundations that could help the civilians survive beyond their massacre. The Israeli Defense Forces are destroying in few hours what Lebanon has spent years and billions of dollars to rebuild.
Up until now more than 1200 Lebanese civilians have been killed and thousands missing under the rubbles , thousands wounded, bridges and infrastructure destroyed, refugees are leaving Beirut in droves and worst of all the enforced siege might lead to a human catastrophe in the next few days. There must be an end to this cycle of violence and continuous violation of international laws and basic ethical behavior.
Between the blindness of the international community and the deafness of the Arab one, the besieged Lebanese population has no way out.
Peace begins with justice


the truth from "amnesty"

Lebanon: Destruction of civilian infrastructure
First-hand information gathered by recent Amnesty International research missions to Lebanon and Israel points to an Israeli policy of deliberate destruction of Lebanese civilian infrastructure during the recent conflict. DestructionThe long-term impact of the destruction of Lebanon’s infrastructure on the lives of the country’s men, women and children is incalculable. Many have lost their homes while having to cope with the deaths of loved ones or struggling to overcome severe injuries. Many more have lost their livelihoods. Records showing home and property ownership have been destroyed, adding to the difficulties of rebuilding lives. The head of the country’s Council for Development and Reconstruction, Fadl Shalak, said on 16 August that the damage incurred amounted to US $3.5 billion: US $2 billion for buildings and US $1.5 billion for infrastructure such as bridges, roads and power plants.
Civilian victimsEntire families were killed in air strikes on their homes or in their vehicles while fleeing the aerial assaults on their villages. Scores lay buried beneath the rubble of their houses for weeks, as the Red Cross and other rescue workers were prevented from accessing the areas by continuing Israeli strikes. The hundreds of thousands of Lebanese who fled the bombardment now face the danger of unexploded munitions as they head home. The Israeli Air Force launched more than 7,000 air attacks on about 7,000 targets in Lebanon between 12 July and 14 August, while the Navy conducted an additional 2,500 bombardments. The attacks, though widespread, particularly concentrated on certain areas. An estimated 1,183 people died, about one third of whom have been children, 4,054 people were injured and 970,000 Lebanese people have been displaced.
InvestigationAmnesty International's findings point to an Israeli policy of deliberate destruction of Lebanese civilian infrastructure, which included war crimes, during the recent conflict.The organisation calls for the immediate establishment of a comprehensive, independent and impartial UN inquiry into violations of international humanitarian law by both Hizbullah and Israel in the conflict. The inquiry should examine in particular the impact of this conflict on the civilian population. It should propose effective measures to hold accountable those responsible for crimes under international law, and to ensure that the victims receive full reparation.


جنبلاط هو الاخر

لا اعرف لماذا انزعجت كثيرا عندما استمعت الى خطاب السيد وليد جنبلاط؟هل هو الانزعاج من خطاب السيد وليد جنبلاط ؟بسبب عودة لغة الاستفزازات المتبادلة الى السياسة اللبنانية او الى مشروع الفتنة الذى تتبناه الولايات المتحدة او ربما الى الهجوم علىرموز المقاومة اللبنانية التى اصبح لهل اعظم مكانة فى العالم العربى والاسلامى.ندائنا للجميع ر

دعوة من مدونة صديقة


الأسد والمقاومة

مثلما حدث عند بداية الحرب على لبنان عندما خرج علينا عدد من القادة العرب بتصريحات مستفزة وغير مسؤلة اعطت غطاءاَ شرعياَ للعدوان ها هو الرئيس السورى يخرج علينا بنصريخ اكثر سخفاَ واستفزازاَ.فلا يوجد فرق بين النصريحات المتخازلة الانهزامية وبين التصريحات المزايدة المتاجرة بانتصارات ودماء الا حرين.وان اقصى ما يمكن ان يقدمه تصريح مثل هذا للبنانيين هومشروع فتنة جديدة ندعوا الله ان يحفظ لبنان من شرها


New Campaign to Help Lebanese

For more than two weeks, the Lebanese people have been suffering from the brutal Zionist aggression, which resulted in the martyrdom of hundreds, injury of thousands, mostly women and children, and the displacement of hundreds of thousands from their homes.Social and civil society institutions are doing their best in providing shelters, food and medicine for the emigrants. A big number of the Lebanese communities coordinated with each other to achieve the mission successfully, Islamic Da'wa Center- headed by Mr. Shafeeq al- Kosa- is agreed to manage this coordination, receive the aids and distribute them according to needs.
So we ask for sending aids to:
(Relief)- Islamic Da'wa Center in Beirut
Account no. 5367 (al- Baraka bank- main branch- Rasheed Kramy st.) Or sending them to one of the following societies:
Name of society
Account number
Subulul khair Society in Lebanon(Lebanese Beneficence ways Society)
`Udah bank- al- thareef branch- account no. 513690 461 02 029
Al-Irshad al- khairiah Society (the Beneficiary Guidance Society)- Beirut
Beibluos bank- Tripoli- account no. 50 02 251 447445 0 1
Al- Hai'a Al-Islamiah lil- re'ayah (the Islamic Authority for Care)
Al- ryadh Beirut bank- Saida- account no. 49 01 62209 62146 2
Al- Jam'yah al- Islamiah lil- Re'ayah wal– Inma' (the Islamic Society for Care and Development) the border area
Beirut and Arab countries bank- Haseeba- account no. 20459910
Al- aw'i wal Muwasah al- Khairyah ( Beneficiary Society for Awareness and Assistance)-–al- Kharoup province
France bank 03 46 2221791867 94
Jam'yatul –abrar al- khayria al- Islamiah (Abrar (Devotees) Beneficiary Islamic Society)- al-Beqa'
The Arab Finance House-–account no. 100000001206
Aljam'yatul- ttebyah al-Islamiyah (the Islamic Medical Society)- Beirut
Beibluos bank- independence st.- account no. 6300200252791205
Aljam'yatul- ttebyah al-Islamiyah (the Islamic Medical Society)- Tripoli
The Lebanese French bank- Tripoli- account no. 245251040 Or to any society with which you deal, if so, please contact Islamic Da'wa Center to coordinate with it. Really it is a huge responsibility; the emigrants are about to be million, most of them needing all kinds of assistance, especially food, medicine and shelter.I call all the Lebanese, and the charitable people every where to assume the responsibility to relieve the pains of women, Children and the aging, and to help the Mujahed (struggling) Lebanese to face this brutal Zionist aggression.Beirut, 28 Jumada ІІ, 1427 H24/7/2006 A.D.The consultant Sheikh Faisal Mawlawi's
E- mail: amana@cyberia.net.ibTel. 01 7419012 Fax: 00961 1 354522 P.O. 6792-13 Shoran Lebanon- Beirut 1102 2150


High Commissioner addresses Human Rights Council special session on the situation in Israel and Lebanon
11 August 2006Statement by Ms. Louise Arbour, United Nations High Commissioner for Human RightsOn the Occasion of the 2nd Special Session of the Human Rights Council
Geneva , 11 August 2006
Mr. President,Distinguished Members of the Human Rights Council,Excellencies,Ladies and Gentlemen
I am grateful for this opportunity to address the second special session of the Human Rights Council . The accumulated and increasing toll of civilian deaths and injuries in Lebanon and Israel , the massive displacement of populations and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon require the intervention of this Council to impress upon the parties to the conflict the urgent need to comply with their obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law.
Nearly a month from its beginning and worsening by the day, this crisis demands a firm and meaningful response from this Council. Such response should meet the requirements of the high mandate bestowed upon this body and the hopes of the people whose protection depends on its deliberations. It is imperative that we devote all our efforts to an immediate cessation of the hostilities, to save lives, and ensure justice for the victims and accountability for violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.
Mr. President,
The most basic human right is the right to life: under no circumstances can anyone be arbitrarily deprived of his or her life. I, and many others, have repeatedly reminded all parties to the conflict that in carrying out military operations, they must distinguish at all times between civilians and combatants. Civilians must never be the object of a direct intentional attack. The anticipated incidental loss of civilian life and damage to civilian property must always be proportionate to the pursuit of a concrete and direct military objective. Indiscriminate attacks are prohibited and civilians must not be used to shield military objectives from attack.
While effective advance warning of attacks which may affect civilian populations must be given, compliance with this legal obligation does not relieve the parties from their other obligations under international law regarding the protection of civilians. These are some of the fundamental principles that all belligerents must adhere to.
When these legal obligations regulating the conduct of hostilities are violated, personal criminal responsibility may ensue, particularly for those in position of command and control.
Thus, I reminded all belligerents that war crimes and crimes against humanity may be committed even by those who believe, accurately or not, that their combat is a just one and their cause a worthy pursuit.
Yet, a lmost on a daily basis, i nformation from the field indicates an alarming pattern in the scale and choice of targets by all sides in the conflict. The deaths of hundreds of civilians in documented and corroborated incidents, involving either random or targeted attacks on civilian vehicles or buildings, strongly suggest the indiscriminate use of force.
On 30 July, the world was shocked by the Israeli attack on the residential building in Qana that killed scores of civilians, including a large number of children, who had sought shelter there. Hundreds of people have died in Lebanon , while the survivors have endured and continue to endure large-scale destruction of critical infrastructure and utter devastation. But, to date, Israeli attacks affecting civilians continue unabated.
Also unrelenting is Hezbollah’s indiscriminate shelling of densely populated centers in Northern Israel which has brought death and destruction. There have also been repeated allegations of Hezbollah’s systematic use of civilians as human shields.
Mr. President,
There is a clear and urgent need to bring clarity to a situation in which facts and allegations are now given the same credit but without the benefit of systematic, independent, thorough and credible scrutiny.
There have been pressing calls for a comprehensive, high-level inquiry into reports of serious violations of human rights law and international humanitarian law in Israel and Lebanon to be led by internationally renowned experts. The independence, impartiality and objectivity of such an inquiry must be guaranteed not only by the credibility of the panel members, but also by the scope and methodology of their mandate. Within a human rights framework, the inquiry should be primarily concerned with the plight of the victims. It should address all violations by all parties, and lay the foundation for possible measures of reparation and accountability.
Mr. President,
Distinguished Members of the Human Rights Council,
After the destruction of the last bridge over the Litani River , I am particularly concerned by the humanitarian situation of the population remaining in the south of Lebanon . They are in dire need of food, water, and medical assistance, which humanitarian workers are no longer able to deliver.
The plight of displaced persons in the war zone and of refugees in neighbouring countries is also of grave concern. Their right to food, to health, to adequate housing, the right of their children to education must be respected.
The magnitude of the suffering of civilians under attack demands a full-scale commitment and concerted, decisive action by the international community as a whole. As far as this Council is concerned, its intervention should be directed to the people whose fundamental rights have been and continue to be violated, to those who have suffered the loss of family and friends, who have been injured and displaced, who now endure hunger and severe deprivation because of the destruction of their possessions. The Council’s commitment to exposing all human rights violations and to addressing the calls of all victims for reparation and justice will help those affected by this conflict to start rebuilding their shattered lives.
Thank youfrom:


فى حب لبنان

أنا المصري.!! قصيدة في حب شهداء لبنان المقاومة!!

بقلم: عبدالرحمن الأبنودي
:أنا المصري.. كريم العنصرين
سليل المخلصين.. المؤينين
وحامي الأمة في وقت الشدايد
وشقَّاق السِّكك للواردي
نودمّي ملك ليكم.. أجمعين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين.
أنا المصري كريم العنصرين..
فقدت العقل والصوت والأيدي
نوبعد ما كنت نجدة وروح ووقفة
مانيش عارف نسيت ده كله فين
ومين اللي سلبني اسمي مين؟
!أنا المصري..كريم العنصرين..؟
وكنت أصرخ أطفِّي النار بصوتي
ويحيي أمّتي في الشدّة.. موتي
فمين اللي كتب عاري ف جبيني
ومين اللي سرق شعلة سكوتي
وأنا اللي غنايا صحي العالمين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين..؟
أنا مِتْباع.. ماهيش عادْتَك يا وطني
عدوْ.. لِعدو.. ومين ما قبضْش تَمَني
صبي البقال يتاجر في الضماي
روأحلا عمري ضاع مستنِّي زمني.
بقينا بصمتنا الموت.. مُكتفين.
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين
كان الوحل.. شد الرِّجل منِّي
أنوح وأبكِي وأنا قاصد أغنّي
وواقفين علي الشطوط بأيادي سودا
محال.. حيغرّقوني غصْب عني
لو نصبوا في قلبي ميت كمين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين.
بنيتها من الهرم للسدِّ.. يَدِّي
بنتْها كلها ف لحظة تحدي
وكنت زعيم نبيل ما بين جيفارا
وتيتو وكاسترو ونهرو وغاندي
ومش محتاج أقول أنا كنت مين؟
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين!!
وكان يخطب تصيب الدنيا ربكة
ومن لبنان يعود أسطول أمريكا
ولينا في الوجود كلمة ومكانة
وأخوة في الأمل.. دمعة وضحك
ةورقابينا الأبية... مرفوعين.
.أنا المصريكريم العنصرين..!
وجُونا اللي رمونا... للمهالك
تقول: »لأّه« يقولولها: »وانتي مالِك«؟
تقول: »لبنان.. أحبابنا الأعزّة
«يقولوا: »يغوروا.. وتغوروا كذلك
«.نسيت من همي أبقي إزاي حزين!!
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين
وبعنا كل شئ ينباع.. بِدِقَّة
بشفافيّة ومن غير أي سِرقة
ونظَّرْنا لِعِلْم النهب..
صرنابننهب كل شيء.. لكن برقة
بقينا دكاترة وسط النشالين!
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين.
زمان كان فيه مَلِك فاحت روايحُه
وثوار جيش بروحهم يومها.. ضحّوا
وكان لنا شأن حتي في الهزيمة
وطن.. كان يعجبك جمعُه وطرحُه
علينا عين.. وباقي الأمة عين.
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين
وعاد تاني الملك يحكم بلادُه..
ومن بعد السنين دي.. زاد فسادُه
وكنا سادة فوق أرض الكنان
ةوأصبحنا عبيدُه.. أو عِبَادُهوضاع في
الزحمة مشوار السنين..أنا المصري
كريم العنصرين.
وتاني يا الفقير عاد من يخونك
وتتهان في بلادك عيني عينك
ولا الدِّين مكتفي من مص دمَّك
ولا عارف ديونهم من ديونك
وجيت للحق؟..
كله سلَف ودين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين
وده يسلِّم لده والعصر فاجر
وتاجر حِنْت.. سلّمنا لتاجر
وأُم الأمة مصر الإنسانية
بتتآمر... وبتداري الخناجر
وكنت النجدة واستنجد بمين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين..؟
وكنت أصرخ.. وكان الكلّ يسمع
وامِدِّ الإيد.. عدوّ الأمة يرجع
وجاني النطع يأمرني ويشخُط
وخلاني بقيت في الحق أنطع
أنا اللي كنت أصحِّي الغفلانين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين!!
وكانوا يقولوا: »مصر«.. الشمس تطلع
وتعلا رقابنا فوق وعيوننا تلمع
وكنا نشيل قلوبنا فوق كفوفنا
وبصدورنا نواجه أي مدفع
فمين ساعدنا ع الوضع المهين..؟
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين!!
وإزاي النهاردة الدم.. عُومي
مقلقِل صحوتي وساكن في نومي
دمانا بتشتعل في أرض غزة
ولبنان.. نارها ماسكة في هدومي
وأنا اللي في الأسي واقف ما بين!
!أنا المصريكريم العنصرين.
ولولا الأنظمة العربية لامت..
وفي صفوف العدو حتكون وكانت
ما كان الموت عرف »صيدا« و»بَعَبْدا«
ولا كانت قيامّة الغدر قامت
ولا قلب العرب بيِّت حزين!.
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين.
وشوف لبنان بترحل من جنوبها
ونوم الليل.. ما بْيعرف جُنوبها
سطور النمل زاحفة للملاجئ
وريح الخونة ما هدِّت هبوبه
ألوف راحلين في قلبي مذعورين
!!أنا المصريكريم العنصرين
فيالبنان أنامِ اللِّي خانوك
ياحزب الله حكامنا باعوك
ياصاحبي.. ما عُدنا نملك غير هتافنا
هتافِنا مُرّ.. مالي رقابنا شوك
وعَلَنِي.. بنفعل الفعل المشين!!
.أنا المصريكريم العنصرين
يا(نصر الله) ده... زمن البياعين
وإنت طلعْت للأمة.. منين؟
تفكرنا بكل اللي نسيناه
أظنه صعب يصحوا الميتين
وخليتنا ـ الجميع ـ متفرجين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين؟.
مازال نفس العدو.. ومازال خبيث
أبونا مات وسابْهُولنا.. وَريث
ومهما يلف ويدور.. راح يغور
وإسأل عِندنا بيوت السويس
حلاوة روح.. وحياة الحسين!!
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين.
بقت رايتك خلاص رمز لجهادك
بقيت رمز المقاومة في بلادك
ولبنان كلها بايتة في ضميرك
خلاص صَبَح الجهاد ماءك وزادك
لغيرالمسلمين والمسلمين!
أنا المصري
كريم العنصرين
بلاد الأمريكان إحنا وصهاينة
وصمتي ع اللي حاصل.. كلُّه معني
مازال الحلم لم فارق دمايا
علي رغم اللي عاشُه طعنة طعنة
يالبنان الكرامة.. لا تلين
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين.
ويالبنان ما تِطْفيش نار نضالِك
رجالك.. حتي لو ماحناش رجالك
بحور الدم ما تغرّق حقوقك
ولا تكسر مجاديف احتمالِك
حبيبك.. بس مش قادر أَعِين.
أنا المصريكريم العنصرين!!


من هم القتلة

هل هم مجرموا الحرب الاسرائييون ؟ام تجار الحرب الامريكيون؟كلا.... انهم نحن مصريين وعربا..لقد شاركنا بصمتنا فى العدوان على لبنان.,وقبلنا تخاذل واستسلام حكامنا ,وتهاوننا مع الفتاوى المسمومة لشيوخ النفط الذين لايفقهون سوى فى شق الصفوف واثارة الفتن.فهل نفيق بعد كل ماحدث من جرائم وبع مجزرة قانا الثانية؟ ام سيستمر الجميع فى سباته؟عذرا لبنان فمصر الحزينة لم يعد صوتها ملك ابنائها


The Genius Bush

I want you review all the addresses of the american ignorant president "mr .Bush",you will notice that he repeats only five words "war, enemies,victory, beat them and terrorist".
i am sure he does not understand any of these words meanings.
may be he loves wars,
may be he excutes the orders of the zionist lobby,
may be he wants to be hero ! (like HITLER!).
but the question is why the american people choose astupid person to rule them?


وفر كلامك

وسط الاحداث الجارية فى الشرق الاوسط خرج علينا الرئيس مبارك بانتقاده لحزب الله واصفا تحركات حزب الله بالمغامرات غير المحسوبة.فاذا كانت هذه المغامرات سترد ما تبقى من كرامة العرب وتعيد الاسرى فاهلا بهازواذ كانت حكمة سيادته ستؤدى الى قتل الجنود المصريين دون ثمن على حدودنا فلسنا فى حاجة لتلك الحكمة.والغريب اننا كنا نشكو من الصمت العربى و ليته دام هذا الصمت


هكذا يكون الرجال

لقد القى مقاتلى حزب الله بحجر ثقيل فى مياه الشرق الاوسط الراطدة باسىهم جنديين من جيش اسرائيل"الذى لايقهر"ليوجهوا لطمة شديدة لاسرائيل وليوقظوا قادة العرب من سباتهم العميق وليحفظوا ما تبقى من الكرامة العربية.



لقد قدم نواب الحزب الوطنى درساً فى النفاق اثناء مناقشة مواد جرائم النشر, فبعد معارضة هؤلاء المستميتة لاى تعديل للموشروع المقدم من الحكومة نجدهم قامو بعاصفة من التصفيق بمجرد علمهم باقتراح الرئيس بالنعديل. والمثير هو لماذا اعترض هؤلاء النواب" المحترمون" على التعديل طالما يرحبون به بهذه الصورة؟


شفرة دافنشى

أتعجب من الضجة المثارة حول فيلم وكتاب شفرة دافنشى والحماس الذى صاحب منعهما بمصر وكأننا اصبحنا فجأة حراس العقيدة المسيحية وأصبحنا مسيحيين اكثر من الفاتيكان الذى يعرض الفيلم بالقرب منه . والاغرب هو موقف بعض العلمانيين الذين كانوا ينادون باباحة كل عمل فنى وفجاة تحولوا لأوصياء على عقولنا فيحددون ماهو مباح وما هو ممنوع والغريب ان الكتاب ليس فيه اساء للمسيح وحتى فكرة زواجه التى تتعارض مع العقيدتن المسيحية والاسلامية هى مجردخيال اختلط بالواقع فى سرد الاحداث بالكتاب . وان كان من حق جهة معينة تحديد ماهو مباح من اعمال فنية فليست بالتأكيد هذه الجهة مجلس الشعب. وانا اعتقد أن الموضوع برمته مسالة مزايدةومحاولة من بعض الفئات لكسب المزيد من الشعبية المصطنعة.


البراءة بطعم الاِدانة

بعد عشر سنوات مرت فى قضية نواب القروض الشهيرة, جاء حكم البراءة , جائت البراءة بعد تدمير حياة عدة اسر وتلويث سمعتهم و وبعد ؟أن قضى هؤلاء سنوات فى السجن ومنهم من توفى قبل ان يرى هذا الحكم بالبراءة. وفى النهاية تاتى البراءة مجرد عدة اسطر فى صحف الصباح قد لا يلحظهاأحد.وهذا يدفعنا اِلى اِعادة النظر لنظام الحبس الاحتياطى المتخلف المطبق والذى لايحفظ حق المجتمع بقدر ما يهدر حقوق المتهم والذى اتفقت جميع الشرائع والقوانين على أنه بريء حتى تثبت اِدانتة.

البورصة المصرية

عندما بدات البورصة المصرية موجة الهبوط الحالية والتى بدأت فى شهر فبراير كان هناك تبريرا واحد جاهز لدى المسؤلين وحتى المحللين وهو سوء تصرف صغار المستثمرين .و استمروا فى ترديد هذا المبرر حتلى فقد صغار المستثمرين اغلب اموالهم والهبوط مستمر فبدأالمسؤلين يبحثون عن مبرر اخر وذكروا أسباب سخيفة غير مقنعة ,حتى بعد ان علت اصوات كثيرة بوجود فساد وتلاعب .لكن الغريب هو التجاهل التام للحكومة.متى تفيق الحكومة من نومها ؟ربما بعد فوات الاوان.

عمار يا مصر

كان المصريين يرددون ها كثيراَ فيما مضى"عمار يامصر" وكان المقصود هو كثرة خيرات هذا الوطن ومدى جماله فى شكل العمارة السائد وسلوك البشر ونمط الحياة .ولكن هل نستطيع أن نردد هذه العبارة الاَن وسط اِنتشار القبح فى مبانينا والعشوائية غى نمط حياتنا وتدنى لغة الحوار بيننا وغيرها من السلوكيات الغريبة على وطننا.

هو فى أيه؟

أى شخص يتابع ما يحدث فى مصر الان يصاب بالدهشة من حالة العصبية التى تتمللك كثير من الفئات. والتى تطالب ببعض حقوقها اوتعترض على بعض الاحداثز لكن أن تتوالى الاحداث بهذا المنوال وان تتعامل الحكومة مع يللك الاحداث بهذا الغباء السياسى هو مايثير الدهشة حقاَ . كما تشير للك الاحداث الى انه لم يعد هناك الكثير من الحكماء الذين يمكنهم احتواء تللك الاحداث خاصة وان حالة الحنق من تصرفات النام أصبحت حالة عامة عند المصريين .

الرأى الاَخر

من يتابع ما يحدث الان فى مصر يمكن ان يلخصة بالرغم من حجم الصخب بأنه حالة منعدم قبول الاخر فالجميع بمن فيهم من يناضلون من أجل الديمقراطية أصبح يعتبر كل من يختلف معه عدواً.ولكن لابد من التسائل من هو الذى زرع تلك الثقافة "رفض الاَخر" هذا هو المهم الاَن.

حادثة المنصة

ما حدث فى المقصورة الرئيسية باستاد القاهرة فى مباراة الاهلى والزمالك فى نهائى كأس مصر يجب ان نتوقف امامه كثيراَ لأن ماحدث ليس مشاجرة بين أفراد من احاد الناس على أحد المقاهى ولكن بين اناس من المفترض انهم من الصفوةوقيادات الرياضة فى مصر,و هذا يشير الى مدى التدنى فى لغة الحوار فى مجتمعنا, ولا يجب ان نكتفى بمجرد عقوبات على أحد الاطراف بل يجب مراجعة ودراسة اسباب هذا التدنى فى السلوك والذى اصبح للاسف ظاهرة عامة.

الزرقاوى والزرقاويين

لقد اندهشت عندما رأيت تعاطف عدد من الاردنيين مع الزرقاوى بعد اعلان القضاء عليه . وما ادهشنى ليس فقط بسبب العملية التى نفذها اتباعه فى الاردن فى حفل زفاف راح ضحيته العديد من الابرياء, ولا حتى بسبب جرائمه ضد العراقيين وعمليات ذبح الرهائن بشكل وحشى,وانما مل شدنى هو فهمنا للاسلام ومحاولة تبرير الجرائم على المدنيين على أنها ضريبة الجهاد, مع أن الاسلام وضع دستور للجهاد يفوق فى عظمته جميع مواثيق حقوق الانسان:فالاسلام حرم قتل المدنيين وحرم قطع التخريب فى الارض وأمرنا بحسن معاملة الاسرى .فمن اين جاء هؤلاء بهذه الافعال الشيطانية لينسبوها للجهاد وللاسلام.

how to stop smoking?

Make the decision to quit smoking.thats most importnant thing.
Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your health.
If you smoke, you are more likely to get diseases of the lungs, heart, and brain. You are also more likely to get many kinds of cancer. After you quit, you will be less likely to get these diseases. Stopping smoking is hard--but you can do it! Your doctor can help you.
Get ready to quit.
Once you decide to quit, make a plan with the help of your doctor. Here are some things you need to do:
Choose a day to quit.Talk to your doctor about using the nicotine patch, gum, inhaler, or nasal spray to help you quit smoking. Getting nicotine some way other than in a cigarette can help make quitting easier.* Talk to your doctor about using a prescription medicine like bupropion (brand name: Zyban) to reduce your urge to smoke. If you decide to use a medicine, start taking it two weeks before your quit day.Talk with your doctor about when you smoke. For example, you may smoke first thing in the morning, after a meal, or when you feel stressed. Plan what you will do instead of smoking.Tell your family and friends that you are going to try to quit and on what date.Put together a list of phone numbers of friends and family members who can give you support when you feel you might break down and have a cigarette.Before your quit day, put all tobacco products, ashtrays, and lighters away.Put your plan into action.
When you wake up on your quit day, start using a nicotine replacement method if you had planned to do that.
For the first few days after you quit, you may have some signs of nicotine withdrawal. You may feel restless and cranky. You may find it hard to think. You might need to change your dose of nicotine if these signs upset you.
Do not smoke! If you feel like you want to smoke, call a friend or family member who has agreed to help you. Also, there might be someone in your doctor's office you can call.
Put into action your plans for doing things other than smoking. For example, when you feel the urge to smoke, you might take a walk. Or, you might visit friends who do not smoke. It is best to stay away from places where you used to smoke.
If you return to smoking--
Quitting smoking is not easy. Many people have to try several times before they succeed.
If you start smoking again, call your doctor's office soon to talk about what happened. Think about what you can do to keep from smoking when you try to quit again.
This handout provides a general overview on this topic and may not apply to everyone. To find out if this handout applies to you and to get more information on this subject, talk to your family doctor.
Visit familydoctor.org for information on this and many other health-related topics.
if you have anya advice for smokers or you have a experience in smoking tell us about it.

ديمقراطية القمع

لقد هالنى كما هال الكثيرين ماشاهدناه من المعاملة الوحشية للامن المصرى تجاة المتظاهرين سلمياَمساندة للقضاة ,خاصة ما تعرض له كريم الشاعر ومحمد الشرقاوى.ومن الواضح ان هذا السلوك قد أصبح منهج للامن بداية من مسرحية الاستفتاءعلى الدستور.وتطور هذا المنهج ليصل للحد الذى يستخدم فية الامن فرق الكاراتية والبلطجية لقمع المتظاهرين سلمياَ.ولكن السؤال الملح هنا اين هى الديمقراطية الزعومة؟


welcome every body

i wish it will be a window for all freinds to express their opoinions and feelings