Muslims celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday

سيادة العقيد ... نقطنا بسكاتك

هاهو "الزعيم" الليبى كعادته مع كل قمة عربية" يفاجئنا"بمقاطعته المصحوبة ببعض الصخب الاعلامى
اضافة للقليل من الدروس الشيقة فى السياسة والتاريخ
ولكن اذا كان قد قرر "تطليق" العمل العربى على حد وصفه
فلماذا لايوفر خطبه الثمينة عن المؤامرات وعن "حبيبته" وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية على حد وصفه أيضا( ذات الاصول الافريقية) أو
ليذكر لنا ماذا قدمت" الجماهيرية العظمى" للعرب غير ا لمقاطعة واثارة المشاكل ومشروعه التاريخى" اسراطين" أ و ليعلمنا كيف
يواجه الامبريالية الامريكية بعد أن حلت " الراسمالية الشعبية" محل "الاشتراكية الشعبية"والؤسف حقا أن هناك من يستمع ويروج
لبضاعته الرديئة
تحية لهذا الرجل
documented war crime
this video is from " the israeli tv" transformed by "dream tv" ,they talk about killing the egyptian war prisoners:

there is another link to the same video: elfagr newspaper
مشاهدات مواطن ايجابى
! الحيزبون فى مصر
هاهى حمالة الحطب لهذا العصر كوندليزا رايس تحط بخطاعا المشؤمة فى مصر
ولكن ما هو السبب الحقيقى لزيارتها الغير سعيدة ؟
على حد وكالات الانباء (على امل دفع حلفائها العرب الى تفعيل مبادرة سلام قديمة مع اسرائيل
قد تحرك برأيها المفاوضات الفلسطينية الاسرائيلية المجمدة حاليا) لكن الواضح هو ممارسة ضغوط جديدة
لصالح اسرائيل أو لدعم الحكومة العراقية قبل القمة العربية.
وفى كل الأحوال لا يسعنا الا أن نقول لها لا أهلا ولا سهلاَ
مبروك ..مصر تفوز بتنظيم كأس العالم للشباب عام 2009

أعلن اتحاد الكرة المصري في مؤتمر صحفي يوم الجمعة أن مصر فازت رسميا بتنظيم كأس العالم للشباب دون 20 عاما في عام 2009.وقال أحمد شوبير نائب رئيس اتحاد الكرة يوم الجمعة إن الاتحاد تلقى موافقة رسمية من الفيفا لتنظيم البطولة.وأضاف أن رئيس المجلس القومي للرياضة حسن صقر كان له الدور الأكبر في فوز مصر بتنظيم البطولة بعد الاتصالات الواسعة التي أجراها خلال الأيام الماضية مع مسئولين في الكاف والفيفا، والتي أدت إلى فوز مصر باستضافة البطولة.وتقام البطولة في شهري يونيو ويوليو من عام 2009 بمشاركة 24 فريقا مقسمة على ست مجموعات، وحددت لجنة إعداد ملف التنظيم ستة ملاعب لاستضافة البطولة هي القاهرة الدولي والكلية الحربية في العاصمة، وبرج العرب وحرس الحدود في الإسكندرية، والمصري في بورسعيد، بالإضافة إلى ملعب الإسماعيلية.ويقام كأس العالم للشباب هذا العام بكندا في شهر يوليو دون مشاركة مصر للمرة الأولى منذ ستة أعوام.وسبق لمصر تنظيم كأس العالم للناشئين دون 17 عاما في عام 1997، بينما استضافت القارة الأفريقية تنظيم مونديال الشباب لآخر مرة عام 1999 في نيجيري
Israel accused of 'apartheid'

A UN human rights envoy has likened Israel's treatment of Palestinians in occupied territory to "apartheid", and said that failure to tackle the situation will make it hard to solve abuses elsewhere.
John Dugard, a UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, made his remarks to the UN Human Rights Council on Thursday.
Dugard, a South African lawyer, said restrictions on movement and separate residential areas gave a sense of "deja vu" to anyone with experience of apartheid, noting that apartheid was "contrary to international law".
He said: "Of course there are similarities between the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territory] and apartheid South Africa."
He also told the council that the situation "places in danger the whole international human rights enterprise".
He said that Western states would never rally support among developing nations for effective action against perceived abuses elsewhere, such as Sudan's Darfur, unless they tackled the plight of Palestinians.
Israel dismissed the statement and Dugard's regular reports to the council as "one-sided, highly selective and unreservedly biased".
Dugard, who was appointed to his position in 2001, said that Gaza was an imprisoned society and that the situation in the West Bank was little better.
'Reign of terror'
He said about 500,000 Israeli settlers were now living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, territories seized by Israel during the 1967 Middle East war.
"Settlers, largely unrestrained by the Israel Defence Forces [the Israeli military], subject many Palestinians to a reign of terror - particularly in Hebron," he said.
Itzhak Levanon, Israel's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, said such language was "inflammatory and inciteful" and would not contribute to a "process of constructive dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians".
Source: aljazeera
تحية لكل أم فى عيدها
مقتل وإصابة 15 جندياً أمريكياً في هجمات بالعراق.....عقبال الباقى

أعلن جيش الاحتلال الأمريكي مقتل سبعة من جنوده وإصابة ثمانية آخرين في هجمات متفرقة بالعراق، وأصدر الجيش بياناً جاء فيه: إن خمسة جنود لقوا مصرعهم في انفجارين ببغداد أمس بينما توفي جندي سادس لأسباب لا علاقة لها بالعمليات العسكرية في تكريت شمالي العراق، وقال البيان إن أربعة جنود قتلوا وجرح خامس في تفجير عبوة ناسفة بدوريتهم في غرب بغداد، وإن جندياً آخر جرح عندما تعرضت القوات الأمريكية لنيران الأسلحة الخفيفة بعد التفجير، كما قتل جندي وجرح ثلاثة آخرون في تفجير استهدف دورية راجلة جنوب بغداد. وقتل السابع متأثراً بجراح أصيب بها أثناء انفجار عبوة ناسفة بالقرب من وحدته العسكرية في مدينة "سامراء".
وبذلك يرتفع إلى 3218 عدد القتلى من العسكريين الأمريكيين بالعراق منذ غزوه قبل أربع سنوات. ويأتي استمرار الهجمات والخسائر البشرية في صفوف القوات الأمريكية رغم مشاركة تعزيزاتها مع القوات العراقية في تنفيذ الخطة الأمنية ببغداد.
ويؤدي استمرار هذه الخسائر إلى تصاعد ضغوط الديمقراطيين بالكونجرس والرأي العام الأمريكي على الرئيس الأمريكي جورج بوش لوضع جدول زمني للانسحاب
The World Is Against Bush

A series of anti-war demonstrations are under way, with protests scheduled in countries including the United States, Canada, Australia and Britain ahead of the fourth anniversary of the US-led war in Iraq.
Thousands of people are expected to converge on the centre of the US capital on Saturday and march on the Pentagon, organisers said.
The protests are timed to coincide with the fourth anniversary on Tuesday of the Iraq war, which has claimed at least 70,000 civilian lives and nearly 10,000 lives of soldiers and police officers from Iraq, the US and eight coalition countries.
The US military said on Friday it was sending some 2,600 soldiers to Iraq earlier than planned, raising the number of extra US troops being deployed, in a new effort to stabilise the country, to nearly 30,000.
Australia protest
Around 500 protesters marched through Sydney on Saturday to mark the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.
Similar rallies were held in cities around Australia.
The demonstrators called for the withdrawal of troops from not just Iraq but Afghanistan as well, and for the government of John Howard, Australia's prime minister, to bring Australian terrorism suspect David Hicks home from US detention at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
Kerry Nettle, a Greens member of parliament, said she had campaigned against Australian participation when it was first mooted.
Nettle said: "Four years on, how things have changed. The issue of Iraq is the disaster we all said it would be. The predictions have not only come true, it's worse."
Pentagon march
It's been 40 years since protesters mobilised a massive march on the Pentagon in Washington against the Vietnam war - an image that organisers of Saturday's massive march against the Iraq war are hoping to match.
Bill Hackwell, a spokesman for the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (Answer) coalition, which is organising the march, said: "We're feeling a shift in the general population of the country who are now opposed to the war and are now thinking about doing something about it, not only about voting but becoming active in the anti-war struggle."
The 1967 Pentagon march, which looms large in the nation's collective memory as the beginning of the end of the war in Vietnam, drew an estimated 50,000 to 100,00 marchers to Washington - a number that will likely be used as a measure for the success of Saturday's march.
Late on Friday, about 100 peace activists, including members of the clergy, were arrested as they held a vigil on a sidewalk in front of the White House, ignoring police orders to disperse.
Kate Manzanares, a 29-year-old doctor from Virginia, who watched the arrests along with about 1,000 other protesters, said: "Hopefully, I think it really speaks truth to power."

Christian prayer service
Earlier in the day, the group that organised the vigil, Christian Peace Witness for Iraq, held a service at Washington's National Cathedral that was attended by 3,500-4,000 people, organisers said.
The war has grown increasingly unpopular, with recent polls showing that a majority of Americans now say the invasion was a mistake and want the US government to set a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
Hackwell said more Americans are demanding change because too much money is being spent on the war rather than social needs like health care, education and employment.
He said: "It is not an exaggeration to make this connection about the funding that gets cut for needed social programmes and the money going to the Pentagon."
Other anti-war events are planned in the next few days across the country.
In Los Angeles, thousands of protesters are expected to take the streets of Hollywood on Saturday and another Answer demonstration is expected in San Francisco. The anti-war coalition United for Peace and Justice said it was expecting thousands of people to turn up at a protest in New York on Sunday.
Activists want the Democratic-led Congress to push hard for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
Bulking up about 140,000 US troops already fighting in Iraq, the combat aviation brigade from the US army's third infantry division will deploy in early May, some 45 days sooner than previously envisaged, the US military said on Friday.
The brigade is the third element to be announced in a package of support units being deployed to assist 21,500 extra combat troops ordered to Iraq under a plan unveiled by George Bush, the US president, in January.
Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, said: "The aviation brigade, which is really principally rotary helicopter support for the troops, is the final piece."
Sectarian violence in Iraq has continuously thwarted American efforts to bring the four-year-old war to a close.
US soldier guilty of Iraq deaths

A US soldier has been found guilty of lesser charges of negligent homicide in the killing of three Iraqi detainees who were let loose and told to run before being shot.
Sergeant Raymond Girouard, 24, of Sweetwater, Tennessee, had been charged with premeditated murder and other offences that could have drawn a life sentence.
He was acquitted of those charges on Friday and found guilty of three counts of negligent homicide as well as obstruction of justice and other charges.
The charges could result in a sentence of 20 or more years, a Fort Campbell spokesman in Kentucky said. Sentencing will take place on Monday.
Girouard was leading a squad in May 2006 during a raid on a suspected fighters' camp near Thar Thar lake, southwest of Tikrit, when the incident happened.
He was the last and most senior soldier from the 101st Airborne Division to be tried for the killings.
Three other soldiers under Girouard's command who were also charged with the deaths made plea agreements and were sentenced earlier.
Specialist William Hunsaker and Private First Class Corey Clagett were sentenced to 18 years in military prison. The third got nine months in jail.
Court testimony
Hunsaker testified on Wednesday that Girouard ordered him to kill three Iraqi detainees, then cut him with a knife to make it look as if there had been a struggle.
Girouard had said he was under orders to kill all men of military age but denied ordering the slayings.
Anita Gorecki, Girouard's lawyer, said that the sergeant never ordered his soldiers to shoot the detainees, but that he did help cover up the killings.
She said: "He realised they killed the detainees, and in that moment, yes, he decided to help his squad members."
The soldiers had previously told investigators they were given rules of engagement by Colonel Michael Steele, the 3rd Brigade commander, to kill all military-age men.
Steele has denied this but invoked his right not to testify.
During an August hearing in Iraq that led to the charges, a witness testified he saw the prisoners trying to run away at full sprint, some with their blindfolds down, when they were shot.
The case is one of a series from the Iraq war in which US military personnel are accused of crimes against Iraqi civilians.
هل سنقول لا؟
تحت شعار «لا للتعديلات الدستورية والحرية لكل الناس، ولا لإقصاء القضاة عن صناديق الانتخابات، ولا لتحويل المدنيين لمحاكم عسكرية، ولا لقانون مكافحة الإرهاب» تظاهر ممثلو 8 أحزاب تضم: الوفد، والتجمع، والعربي الناصري، والغد، والعمل، والكرامة، والأحرار، والإصلاح، والعدالة والتنمية، ظهر أمس بمشاركة نقابات المهندسين والمحامين والعلميين والأطباء ونادي هيئة التدريس ومركز شهاب لحقوق الإنسان وحركة كفاية وجماعة الإخوان المسلمين رفضاً للتعديلات الدستورية.الأمن أحاط بالمظاهرة التي وقفت علي سلالم محكمة الحقانية بميدان المنشية واستمرت ساعة، ووزع تحالف القوي الوطنية للإصلاح المعروف باسم "تقوا"، بياناً خلال المظاهرة، عددوا فيه مساوئ النظام وما ارتكبه في حق القضاة وأطفال الشوارع وحادث العبارة وتهريب المليارات من البنوك والغلاء الفاحش ورفض 13 حزباً وسجن المعارضين.وأوضح البيان أن الهدف الحقيقي للنظام من وراء تمثيلية التعديلات الدستورية، هو إقصاء القضاة عن صناديق الانتخابات لتكريس التزوير وإقصاء كل القوي الحرة القادرة علي مواجهة النظام وكشف فساده وتهيئة الأجواء للتوريث.ورفض البيان التمثيلية الهزلية للتعديلات الدستورية التي اصطدمت بطموحات الشعب المصري في التغيير والإصلاح.في المقابل، رفض مجلس الشوري خلال جلسة نقاش استمرت ساعتين أمس، المقترحات المقدمة من المعارضة بتعديل صياغة المادة 88 من الدستور والخاصة بالإشراف القضائي علي الانتخابات، فيما برر نواب الحزب الوطني قرار «الشوري» بأنه من الصعب تحقيق الإشراف القضائي علي كل
عن السفلة
الذى يوضخ نفس الشىء وهو مدى انحطاط العدو الذى امامنا وأتمنى ان تظل مثل هذه الصور دائما عالقة فى اذهاننا
Shin Bet interrogation tactic rejected !
The High Court of Justice on Wednesday ordered Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) interrogators to inform a Palestinian detainee that his wife had not been arrested and placed under interrogation, as they had previously told him. The ruling could be the first step in abolishing the Shin Bet interrogation technique, said human rights lawyer Eliahu Abram.
The court's decision came in response to a petition by the Public Committee against Torture in Israel (PCATI) on behalf of Mahmoud Sueti, 31, from Hebron, who was arrested February 1.
According to the petition, written by PCATI attorney Labib Haviv, Sueti's father and wife were informed by the IDF on February 19 that they could visit him in jail and bring clothes and utensils. When they arrived the following day at the Etzion Military Detention Center, the father was forced to don prison clothes and he and his daughter-in-law were then shown to Sueti to make him think they had been arrested.
The Shin Bet used the deception to break Sueti's spirit and get him to divulge information.
A few days after the incident, Haviv found out that Sueti, who believed the Shin Bet ruse, had become depressed and tried to commit suicide.
The petitioners demanded that the Shin Bet immediately inform Sueti that his father and wife had not been arrested.
Even before the hearing was held, the Shin Bet informed the court they had already told Sueti that his father had not been arrested. The petitioners insisted that the Shin Bet also tell Sueti that his wife had not been detained.
In a short ruling that dealt only with the specific case of Sueti, the court granted the petitioners' request.
Abram, who is the PCATI legal adviser, told The Jerusalem Post the judges appeared to be sympathetic toward the petitioners. At one point, Justice Elyakim Rubinstein asked the state representative whether he really thought that dressing up the father as a prisoner was proper.
While the petition was being heard, PCATI decided to turn it into a case of principle, whereby the court would be asked to declare that the Shin Bet technique of deceiving detainees by claiming that members of their family had been arrested constituted illegal psychological pressure.
Other human rights groups, including Moked in Defense of the Individual, B'Tselem and Physicians for Human Rights, asked to join the petition in lieu of the greater significance now attached to the issue.
The court rejected the request. However, as it routinely does, it informed the organizations that they could submit a new petition.
If they decide to do so, said Abram, Wednesday's court decision could mark a first step toward a landmark ruling banning the use of the interrogation practice on the grounds that it constitutes illegal psychological pressure.