رب اجعل هذا البلد امنا....


يد الغدر تغتال بنت الشرق

بنى ظير بوتو "التى لا مثيل لها باللغة الاوردية" أو بنت الشرق كما كان يسميها أنصارها.
كانت تمثل نموذج نادر و مشرف للسياسية المسلمة,كانت مليئة بالتحدى و الثقة,قد تختلف معها أو ترفض توجهاتها السياسية
لكنها تجبرك على احترامها بشجاعتها وحضورها الطاغى وقوة تأثيرها على جماهير شعبها.
أعطت للسياسة أكثر بكثير مما أخذت منها الى ان دفعت حياتها ثمناُ لمواقف سياسية تمسكت بها فى بلد يموج بالصراعات المحليةوالاقليميه
وكأن القدر احتفظ لها بنفس النهاية المأساوية التى لاقاها والدها وأخواها.
وسواء كان وراء هذا الحادث الاجرامى تنظيم القاعدة أو المخابرات الباكستانية أو اى جهة أخرى, فأن اسم بنى ظير سيظل فى محفورا فى التاريخ كما فى قلوب الكثير من الباكستانيين
."وأشعر بكثير من الخجل عندما أحاول مقارنتها ببعض السيدات فى مصر والعالم العربى اللاتى يدعين أنهم "سياسيات
فمنهن من تترك العمل البرلمانى من أجل الزواج من رجل أعمال ,ومن تتبنى أمور تافهة وتحولها لقضايا تشغل الرأى العام, ومن تعتبر العمل السياسى هو التسبيح بحمد الحزب الحاكم حتى وصل الحال بأحداهن للاعتداء على أحد الصحفيين" دفاعا"ُ عن الحزب الحاكم..وغيرها الكثير من النماذج المخجلة التى تجعلنا ننحنى احتراماُ لامثال بنى ظير ونترحم عليها



The Hajj or Haj is the Pilgrimage to Mecca (or, "Makkah") and is the fifth of the "Five Pillars of Islam". Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

The Hajj or Haj is the Pilgrimage to Mecca (or, "Makkah") and is the fifth of the "Five Pillars of Islam". Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

The government of Saudi Arabia issues special visas to foreigners for the purpose of the pilgrimage, which takes place during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah. Entrance to the city itself is forbidden to non-Muslims, and the entire city is considered a holy site to Islam.


Many people go to Mecca in groups with their friends or family, or friends from the local mosque, in order to save money. Some airlines have special package holidays for Muslims going to Mecca. A woman is encourged to go to Mecca in the company of a male relative (father, husband, or brother), but the Saudi government permits an unaccompanied woman to go provided that she travels in a group with other women and has written permission to do so from a male relative.

While in Mecca for the Hajj, male pilgrims are required to dress only in an ihram, a garment consisting of two sheets of white unhemmed cloth, the top draped over the torso and the bottom secured by a belt; plus a pair of sandals. The ihram is intended to show the equality of all pilgrims in the eyes of Allah, as there is no difference between a prince and a pauper when everyone is dressed equally. The ihram also symbolizes purity and absolution of sins. Many female pilgrims traditionally wear a simple white or black dress with a headcovering.

While the pilgram is wearing the ihram, he may not shave, cut his nails, or wear jewelery. An invocation known as the talbiyah should be chanted as the pilgrim is donning the garment.

Performing the Hajj


Upon arrival in Mecca, the pilgrim ('Hajji') performs a series of ritual acts symbolic of the life of the prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) and his wife Hagar (Hajarah), and of solidarity with Muslims worldwide. These acts of faith are:

Perform a tawaf, which consists of circling the Kaaba four times at a hurried pace, followed by three times, more closely, at a leisurely pace, in a counter-clockwise direction.

Rapidly walk seven times back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah. This is a re-enactment of Hagar's frantic search for water, before the Zamzam Well was revealed to her by Allah.

These rituals complete the umrah, sometimes called the "lesser hajj". Although not a part of the ritual, most pilgrims drink water from the Well of Zamzam when the umrah is completed. Also, men and women trim off approximately one inch of hair. At this point, the pilgrim can change from the ihram to regular clothes, that is known as Mut'ah of Hajj.

Optional journey to Medina

Though it is not required as part of the Hajj, after the Umrah, pilgrims often travel to visit the city of Medina and the Mosque of the Prophet (PBUH). Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH)tomb is enclosed by the mosque, as are the tombs of Abu Bakr and 'Umar.

Completing the Hajj

After spending a night or more in Medina, the Hajj continues. The pilgrim dons the ihram once again and performs the final three acts of faith. This is known as the Al Hajjul Akbar, or "greater hajj." The duties of the greater hajj are:

Journey to the hill of Arafat and spend an afternoon there. The journey usually takes three to five days for the full round trip. At the plain of Arafat, the pilgrim stays from afternoon until sundown. No specific rituals or prayers are required during the stay at Arafat, though many pilgrims spend the time praying, talking to Allah, and thinking about the course of their lives.

Upon returning from Arafat, pilgrims travel to the city of Mina just outside of Mecca, and participate in the stoning of the devil. This requires collecting a number of pebbles from the ground on the plain of Muzdalifah (various Hajj accounts list the number of pebbles as between 49 and 70), and throwing the pebbles at the three pillars at Mina, which represent the devil. All three pillars represent the devil: the first and largest is where he tempted Abraham against sacrificing Ishmael, the second is where he tempted Abraham's wife Hagar to induce her to stop him, and the third is where he tempted Ishmael to avoid being sacrificed. He was rebuked each time, and the throwing of the stones symbolizes those rebukes.

Perform a second tawaf around the Kaaba. This completes the requirements of the Hajj. After stoning the devil, many male pilgrims will then shave their head; women may cut off a lock of their hair. This is a symbol of rebirth, signifying that their sins have been cleansed by completion of the Hajj.

The umrah can be performed at any time of the year, but the "greater hajj" must take place during the month of Dhu al-Hijjah and is one of the five pillars of Islam. Most pilgrims will perform the "greater hajj" because of the difficulty and expense of traveling to the city of Mecca. For many pilgrims (especially ones who had difficulty travelling due to health or finances), the journey to Mecca is a once in a lifetime event.

Spiritual aspects of the Hajj

The pilgrimage structures the entire life of the sincere Muslim. A believer is required to make the pilgrimage at least once in his or her life time. A devout Muslim's whole life is directed towards this spiritual goal; all of life becomes a pilgrimage.

The pilgrim, the haji, is honoured in his or her community. For some, this is an incentive to perform the Hajj. In some communities, a person that has done the hajj can be nicknamed "haajji" or "haajjaah" - which can be translated as "honorable pilgrim".

The Hajj rituals have a deep psychological significance for Muslims. The pilgrimage is usually a veryprofound experience for those who participate in it. When life is lived according to the precepts of Islam and the mind is in a suitable condition, the pilgrimage can spiritually transform the individual.

In spite of the physical hardships for some, pilgrims who complete the Hajj consider it one of the greatest spiritual experiences of their lives. Many Muslims regard the Hajj as one of the great achievements of civilization, because it brings together people from one-fifth of the population of the entire world and focuses them upon a single goal: completing the Hajj.



عاطف عبيد من قطار الخصخصة الى قطار التطبيع

منذ فترة قصيرة ثارت قضية هجرة بعض الشباب الى اسرائيل
واتضح بعد تفجر هذه القضية أن اغلب هؤلاء الشباب قد سافروا الى اسرائيل فى عهد حكومة عاطف عبيد التعيسة. وسواء كان ذلك نتيجة سوء الحالة الاقتصادية او بسبب تسهيل اجراءات السفر لاسرائيل فان حكومته تتحمل هذه المسؤلية الخطيرة
وما اتضح بد ذلك من بعض المسؤلين فى تلك الفترة ان رئيس الوزراء كان يأمر بتسهيل تلك الاجراءات। ومما يؤكد أن ذلك لم يكن مصادفة هو تواتر معلومات وشهادات لمسؤلين ووزراء فى وزارته بأن عاطف عبيد كان له دور كبير فى تمللك رجال اعمال يهود لبعض المشروعات الكبيرة ومنها مشروعات سياحية فى مناطق تمس الأمن القومى
وبالطبع هذا الانجاز يضاف الى انجازات وزارته العديدة ابتداء من تراجع الاقتصاد المصرى واستشراء الفساد فى جميع اجهزة الدولة انتهاء ببيع ممتلكات الشعب المصرى بأبخس الاثمان فى عهد حكومة كانت اشبه بمجموعة من السماسرة والدلالين لم تقدم للشعب المصرى سوى مجموعة من الوعود الكاذبة.
والسؤال الملح : اذا كان هذا المسؤل قد قام فعلا بهذا الدور المشبوه الذى يصل لدرجة العمالة , فلصالح من يتم التستر عليه وعدم محاسبته ؟ ولماذا تم تكريمه بعد كل ما حققه من فشل اقتصادى وسفه سياسى دفع ثمنه الشعب المصرى؟


نتائج أنابوليس فى أبو غنيم

لم تمضى أيام قليلة على انتهاء مؤتمر انابوليس (لاحياء) عملية السلام
حتى جاء الرد الاسرائيلى الواضح بالاعلان عن مناقصة لبناء وحدات سكنية جديدة
فى مستوطنة ابو غنيم "هارحوما" بالقدس الشرقية فى اكبر تحدى للقرارات الدولية ,والاتفاقات التى وقعتها اسرائيل والتعهدات التى اعلنتها سابقا.لكن المثير والمحزن أن هذا الموقف ليس بجديد, فمع كل مبادرة عربية او خطوة تطبيع يقدمها العرب تشجيعا
لاسرائيل على الانخراط الجدى فى عملية السلام نجد الرد الاسرائيلى فى منتهى الوقاحة والاستهزاء بالمواقف العربية الضعيفة.
فمتى يتعلم العرب الدرس ولا يقدموا الهدايا المجانية لاسرائيل؟