رب اجعل هذا البلد امنا....


يد الغدر تغتال بنت الشرق

بنى ظير بوتو "التى لا مثيل لها باللغة الاوردية" أو بنت الشرق كما كان يسميها أنصارها.
كانت تمثل نموذج نادر و مشرف للسياسية المسلمة,كانت مليئة بالتحدى و الثقة,قد تختلف معها أو ترفض توجهاتها السياسية
لكنها تجبرك على احترامها بشجاعتها وحضورها الطاغى وقوة تأثيرها على جماهير شعبها.
أعطت للسياسة أكثر بكثير مما أخذت منها الى ان دفعت حياتها ثمناُ لمواقف سياسية تمسكت بها فى بلد يموج بالصراعات المحليةوالاقليميه
وكأن القدر احتفظ لها بنفس النهاية المأساوية التى لاقاها والدها وأخواها.
وسواء كان وراء هذا الحادث الاجرامى تنظيم القاعدة أو المخابرات الباكستانية أو اى جهة أخرى, فأن اسم بنى ظير سيظل فى محفورا فى التاريخ كما فى قلوب الكثير من الباكستانيين
."وأشعر بكثير من الخجل عندما أحاول مقارنتها ببعض السيدات فى مصر والعالم العربى اللاتى يدعين أنهم "سياسيات
فمنهن من تترك العمل البرلمانى من أجل الزواج من رجل أعمال ,ومن تتبنى أمور تافهة وتحولها لقضايا تشغل الرأى العام, ومن تعتبر العمل السياسى هو التسبيح بحمد الحزب الحاكم حتى وصل الحال بأحداهن للاعتداء على أحد الصحفيين" دفاعا"ُ عن الحزب الحاكم..وغيرها الكثير من النماذج المخجلة التى تجعلنا ننحنى احتراماُ لامثال بنى ظير ونترحم عليها



The Hajj or Haj is the Pilgrimage to Mecca (or, "Makkah") and is the fifth of the "Five Pillars of Islam". Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

The Hajj or Haj is the Pilgrimage to Mecca (or, "Makkah") and is the fifth of the "Five Pillars of Islam". Every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so is obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime.

The government of Saudi Arabia issues special visas to foreigners for the purpose of the pilgrimage, which takes place during the Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah. Entrance to the city itself is forbidden to non-Muslims, and the entire city is considered a holy site to Islam.


Many people go to Mecca in groups with their friends or family, or friends from the local mosque, in order to save money. Some airlines have special package holidays for Muslims going to Mecca. A woman is encourged to go to Mecca in the company of a male relative (father, husband, or brother), but the Saudi government permits an unaccompanied woman to go provided that she travels in a group with other women and has written permission to do so from a male relative.

While in Mecca for the Hajj, male pilgrims are required to dress only in an ihram, a garment consisting of two sheets of white unhemmed cloth, the top draped over the torso and the bottom secured by a belt; plus a pair of sandals. The ihram is intended to show the equality of all pilgrims in the eyes of Allah, as there is no difference between a prince and a pauper when everyone is dressed equally. The ihram also symbolizes purity and absolution of sins. Many female pilgrims traditionally wear a simple white or black dress with a headcovering.

While the pilgram is wearing the ihram, he may not shave, cut his nails, or wear jewelery. An invocation known as the talbiyah should be chanted as the pilgrim is donning the garment.

Performing the Hajj


Upon arrival in Mecca, the pilgrim ('Hajji') performs a series of ritual acts symbolic of the life of the prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) and his wife Hagar (Hajarah), and of solidarity with Muslims worldwide. These acts of faith are:

Perform a tawaf, which consists of circling the Kaaba four times at a hurried pace, followed by three times, more closely, at a leisurely pace, in a counter-clockwise direction.

Rapidly walk seven times back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah. This is a re-enactment of Hagar's frantic search for water, before the Zamzam Well was revealed to her by Allah.

These rituals complete the umrah, sometimes called the "lesser hajj". Although not a part of the ritual, most pilgrims drink water from the Well of Zamzam when the umrah is completed. Also, men and women trim off approximately one inch of hair. At this point, the pilgrim can change from the ihram to regular clothes, that is known as Mut'ah of Hajj.

Optional journey to Medina

Though it is not required as part of the Hajj, after the Umrah, pilgrims often travel to visit the city of Medina and the Mosque of the Prophet (PBUH). Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH)tomb is enclosed by the mosque, as are the tombs of Abu Bakr and 'Umar.

Completing the Hajj

After spending a night or more in Medina, the Hajj continues. The pilgrim dons the ihram once again and performs the final three acts of faith. This is known as the Al Hajjul Akbar, or "greater hajj." The duties of the greater hajj are:

Journey to the hill of Arafat and spend an afternoon there. The journey usually takes three to five days for the full round trip. At the plain of Arafat, the pilgrim stays from afternoon until sundown. No specific rituals or prayers are required during the stay at Arafat, though many pilgrims spend the time praying, talking to Allah, and thinking about the course of their lives.

Upon returning from Arafat, pilgrims travel to the city of Mina just outside of Mecca, and participate in the stoning of the devil. This requires collecting a number of pebbles from the ground on the plain of Muzdalifah (various Hajj accounts list the number of pebbles as between 49 and 70), and throwing the pebbles at the three pillars at Mina, which represent the devil. All three pillars represent the devil: the first and largest is where he tempted Abraham against sacrificing Ishmael, the second is where he tempted Abraham's wife Hagar to induce her to stop him, and the third is where he tempted Ishmael to avoid being sacrificed. He was rebuked each time, and the throwing of the stones symbolizes those rebukes.

Perform a second tawaf around the Kaaba. This completes the requirements of the Hajj. After stoning the devil, many male pilgrims will then shave their head; women may cut off a lock of their hair. This is a symbol of rebirth, signifying that their sins have been cleansed by completion of the Hajj.

The umrah can be performed at any time of the year, but the "greater hajj" must take place during the month of Dhu al-Hijjah and is one of the five pillars of Islam. Most pilgrims will perform the "greater hajj" because of the difficulty and expense of traveling to the city of Mecca. For many pilgrims (especially ones who had difficulty travelling due to health or finances), the journey to Mecca is a once in a lifetime event.

Spiritual aspects of the Hajj

The pilgrimage structures the entire life of the sincere Muslim. A believer is required to make the pilgrimage at least once in his or her life time. A devout Muslim's whole life is directed towards this spiritual goal; all of life becomes a pilgrimage.

The pilgrim, the haji, is honoured in his or her community. For some, this is an incentive to perform the Hajj. In some communities, a person that has done the hajj can be nicknamed "haajji" or "haajjaah" - which can be translated as "honorable pilgrim".

The Hajj rituals have a deep psychological significance for Muslims. The pilgrimage is usually a veryprofound experience for those who participate in it. When life is lived according to the precepts of Islam and the mind is in a suitable condition, the pilgrimage can spiritually transform the individual.

In spite of the physical hardships for some, pilgrims who complete the Hajj consider it one of the greatest spiritual experiences of their lives. Many Muslims regard the Hajj as one of the great achievements of civilization, because it brings together people from one-fifth of the population of the entire world and focuses them upon a single goal: completing the Hajj.



عاطف عبيد من قطار الخصخصة الى قطار التطبيع

منذ فترة قصيرة ثارت قضية هجرة بعض الشباب الى اسرائيل
واتضح بعد تفجر هذه القضية أن اغلب هؤلاء الشباب قد سافروا الى اسرائيل فى عهد حكومة عاطف عبيد التعيسة. وسواء كان ذلك نتيجة سوء الحالة الاقتصادية او بسبب تسهيل اجراءات السفر لاسرائيل فان حكومته تتحمل هذه المسؤلية الخطيرة
وما اتضح بد ذلك من بعض المسؤلين فى تلك الفترة ان رئيس الوزراء كان يأمر بتسهيل تلك الاجراءات। ومما يؤكد أن ذلك لم يكن مصادفة هو تواتر معلومات وشهادات لمسؤلين ووزراء فى وزارته بأن عاطف عبيد كان له دور كبير فى تمللك رجال اعمال يهود لبعض المشروعات الكبيرة ومنها مشروعات سياحية فى مناطق تمس الأمن القومى
وبالطبع هذا الانجاز يضاف الى انجازات وزارته العديدة ابتداء من تراجع الاقتصاد المصرى واستشراء الفساد فى جميع اجهزة الدولة انتهاء ببيع ممتلكات الشعب المصرى بأبخس الاثمان فى عهد حكومة كانت اشبه بمجموعة من السماسرة والدلالين لم تقدم للشعب المصرى سوى مجموعة من الوعود الكاذبة.
والسؤال الملح : اذا كان هذا المسؤل قد قام فعلا بهذا الدور المشبوه الذى يصل لدرجة العمالة , فلصالح من يتم التستر عليه وعدم محاسبته ؟ ولماذا تم تكريمه بعد كل ما حققه من فشل اقتصادى وسفه سياسى دفع ثمنه الشعب المصرى؟


نتائج أنابوليس فى أبو غنيم

لم تمضى أيام قليلة على انتهاء مؤتمر انابوليس (لاحياء) عملية السلام
حتى جاء الرد الاسرائيلى الواضح بالاعلان عن مناقصة لبناء وحدات سكنية جديدة
فى مستوطنة ابو غنيم "هارحوما" بالقدس الشرقية فى اكبر تحدى للقرارات الدولية ,والاتفاقات التى وقعتها اسرائيل والتعهدات التى اعلنتها سابقا.لكن المثير والمحزن أن هذا الموقف ليس بجديد, فمع كل مبادرة عربية او خطوة تطبيع يقدمها العرب تشجيعا
لاسرائيل على الانخراط الجدى فى عملية السلام نجد الرد الاسرائيلى فى منتهى الوقاحة والاستهزاء بالمواقف العربية الضعيفة.
فمتى يتعلم العرب الدرس ولا يقدموا الهدايا المجانية لاسرائيل؟


فتاة القطيف

قصة فتاة القطيف لمن لم يتابع..هى فتاة سعودية تعرضت للاغتصاب من سبع شباب وبعد ابلاغها الشرطة ,وبعد أن تم القبض عليهم
وثبتت التهمة عليهم حكم عليها القاضى بالسجن ستة اشهر والجلد ، كما حكم على الجناة بأحكام سجن مخففة
تحت مبرر ان المجنى عليها اشتركت فى الذنب بقبولها التواجد فى" خلوه" مع غرباء وأن لها دورا فى وقوع الجريمة.
وهذا هو الغريب فى فى القضية والذى جعل لها صدى خارجى
لكن المثيرلدهشة بل للاشمئزازهو هذه العقلية التى تستخدم الاسلم لتبرير مثل هذه الاحكام الغريبة والمسيئة
وتقدم لأعداء الاسلام هدايا مجانية للتهجم على الاسلام وتشويه صورته وانتقاده
فالاسلام كدين يحافظ على الاعراض وعى كرامة الانسان ومث هذه الجرائم لا يقبل الدين الاسلامى التهاون تجاهها أو الرافة بالجناة تحت اى مبررات سخيفة.
وأنيصل الامر لعقاب المعتدى عيه.
قد يحلو للبعض الدفاع عن نظام القضاء فى امملكة السعودية,بل ونظام الحكم والادعاء بأنها أكثر الدول تطبيقا للشريعة الاسلامية وهو نفس ما ادعاه نظام طالبان سابقا ,
لكن تبرير مثل هذه الاحكام الغريبة و محاولة نسب مبررها للشريعة فهذا غير مقبول


كوب الماء والفكر الجديد فى الالفية الثالثة

مع انتهاء أحداث مؤتمر الحزب الوطنىوالصخب الذى صاحبه كم تذكرت صور المصريين الذين حملوا الجراكن هذا العام بحثا عن القليل من المياه ليسدوا بها احتياجاتهم وطرأ الى ذهنى سؤال مهم:ما قيمة كل هذه المؤتمرات والتصريحات وحتى التقارير الدولية التى تتحدث عن نمو اقتصادى ما دام المواطن فى النهاية لا يستطيع أن يحصل على ابسط مستلزمات الحية...كوب ماء فى بلد يجرى فيه اطول أنهار العالم!؟
وهل هؤلاءالمتشبثين بمناصبهم,ومعهم اتباعهم ومنافقيهم يعيشون فى عالم اخر لايشعرون فيه بهموم ومشاكل الشعب الذى يتحدثون عنه ليل نهار؟ أم أن هذا الشعب لم تعد له قيمة تكفى حتى لاحترام عقله ومشاعره!؟وهذا ما اتضح جليا من رد الفعل تجاه غرق عشرات المصريين الباحثين عن الهجرة والذى صادف نفس توقيت المؤتمر والذى لم يتغير من جدول أعماله أويتأثر بهذا الحادث فى تجاهل تام. فهل هذا هو الفكر الجديد الذى ينادى به الحزب الوطنى؟العمل لصالح عدة أفراد يثرون باستغلال الثروة.. والعمل على توريث الحكم بصورة مستفزة لكل صاحب كرامة.. وتجاهل كل طموح وهموم هذا الشعب ومحاولة خداعه بسلسلة غير منتهية من الاكاذيب


the Pride Remembrance

all greeting to our military forces in the rememberance of the victory day "6 october" ,and also to all the martyers and heros who saved our land and our dignity.


خطوة للامام واربعة للخلف

"الصورة نقلا عن موقع الكرامة"

لم يتوقع اكثر المتشائمين بمستقبل الحريات والديمقراطية قى مصر
ان يصدر الحكم ضد اربعة رؤساء تحرير وبهذه السرعة و بهذا التشديد,فى تهم سخيفة وفى دعوى مرفوعة من شخص غير ذى صفة
! لكن الاسوأ أن هذا الحكم جاء مع بداية شهر رمضان
وكأنها هدية النظام للصحافة المصربة فى هذا الشهر الكريم
وما يبعث على القلق بل الرعب على مستقبل الحريات فى مصر هوان هذا الحكم يعنى ببساطة ان من حق المحاكم ان تنقب فى ضمائر المواطنين ,وانه يحق لاى شخص ان يقاضى اى صحفى اوصاحب راى اذا " رأى" انه تجاوز فى نقده لاى شخصية عامة
وانا اتعجب ممن يريدون ان يدخلوا مجال السياسة وتضيق صدورهم باقل نقد وكانهم انبياء لا يخطؤن
وكأن رعاياهم مجرد قطيع لايحق لهم ان يعرفوا أو يفهموا مايقومون به ,لهذا لا نجد فى الغالب اى رد
رسمى على اى شائعة أو مجرد تساؤل ويكون رد الفعل هو تحرك شخص مغمور
يرفع دعوى قضائية "فى دولة القانون" لنجد عدة أقلام رهن ابتزاز رخيص باسم القانون ’
ولا عزاء للديمقراطية



the report of "hrw" on lebanon war:

(Jerusalem, September 6, 2007) – Israel’s indiscriminate airstrikes, not Hezbollah’s shielding as claimed by Israeli officials, caused most of the approximately 900 civilian deaths in Lebanon during the July-August 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Human Rights Watch investigated more than 500 of the deaths.

“Israel wrongfully acted as if all civilians had heeded its warnings to evacuate southern Lebanon when it knew they had not, disregarding its continuing legal duty to distinguish between military targets and civilians,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “Issuing warnings doesn’t make indiscriminate attacks lawful.”

The 249-page report, “Why They Died: Civilian Casualties in Lebanon during the 2006 War,” represents the most extensive investigation to date of civilian deaths in Lebanon during the war. In five months of research, Human Rights Watch investigated 94 cases of air, artillery and ground attacks by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to discern the circumstances surrounding the deaths of 510 civilians and 51 combatants, nearly half the at least 1,109 Lebanese deaths during the conflict. Of the approximately 510 Lebanese civilian deaths investigated by Human Rights Watch, at least 300 were women or children. Human Rights Watch visited more than 50 Lebanese villages and interviewed 316 victims and eyewitnesses, as well as 39 military experts, journalists and Israeli, Lebanese government and Hezbollah officials.

Human Rights Watch found that a simple movement of vehicles or persons – such as attempting to buy bread or moving about private homes – could be enough to cause a deadly Israeli airstrike that would kill civilians. Israeli warplanes also targeted moving vehicles that turned out to be carrying only civilians trying to flee the conflict. In most such cases documented in the report, there is no evidence of a Hezbollah military presence that would have justified the attack.

“Hezbollah fighters often didn’t carry their weapons in the open or regularly wear military uniforms, which made them a hard target to identify,” Roth said. “But this doesn’t justify the IDF’s failure to distinguish between civilians and combatants, and if in doubt to treat a person as a civilian, as the laws of war require.”

Human Rights Watch’s research shows that the IDF’s repeated failure to distinguish between civilians and combatants cannot be explained as mere mismanagement of the war or a collection of mistakes. The evidence suggests that Israeli officials must have known that their assumption regarding the absence of civilians in southern Lebanon was erroneous. There were numerous media reports of a continued civilian presence in the south, and Israel’s own experience in past conflicts showed that not all civilians are willing or able to leave their homes according to the timetables of a belligerent military force. In fact, despite IDF warnings, many civilians remained in southern Lebanon during the war, yet the IDF often seemed not to take that fact into account in making its targeting decisions. Indiscriminate attacks were the frequent result.

The IDF also targeted people and civilian buildings associated in some way with Hezbollah’s political or social structures, regardless of whether the targets constituted valid military objectives under the laws of war, also known as international humanitarian law. Under international humanitarian law, civilian members of Hezbollah lose their protected status only if they are taking a direct part in the hostilities. Hezbollah’s political and social structures may be targeted only if they are being used for military purposes and attacking them offers a “concrete and direct” military advantage.

Human Rights Watch research shows that the IDF struck a large number of private homes of civilian Hezbollah members during the war, as well as various civilian Hezbollah-run institutions such as schools, welfare agencies, banks, shops and political offices. In the densely populated southern suburbs of Beirut, Israeli warplanes attacked the offices of Hezbollah’s charitable organizations and its parliamentarians, its research center, and multi-story residential apartment buildings in areas considered supportive of Hezbollah. Statements by Israeli officials strongly suggest that the IDF deliberately hit entire neighborhoods because they were seen as pro-Hezbollah, rather than specific Hezbollah military targets as required by the laws of war.

“Israel’s treatment of all parts of Hezbollah as legitimate military targets flies in the face of international legal standards and sets a dangerous precedent,” Roth said. “To accept the argument that any part of Hezbollah can be targeted because it aids the military effort would be to accept that all Israeli institutions that aid the IDF can be targeted. The end result would be a weakening of the protection of civilians.”

Human Rights Watch’s on-the-ground investigation refutes the argument made by Israeli officials that most of the Lebanese civilian casualties were due to Hezbollah routinely hiding among civilians and using them as “human shields” in the fighting. Hezbollah at times did fire rockets from, and store weapons in, populated areas and deploy its forces among the civilian population. That violated its legal duty to take all feasible precautions to spare civilians the hazards of armed conflict. In a few cases documented by Human Rights Watch, these Hezbollah violations led to civilian deaths. However, in contrast to this unlawful endangering of civilians, Human Rights Watch found no evidence in these cases of the separate legal violation of shielding, which is the deliberate use of civilians to render combatants immune from attack. The various film clips and photos published by the IDF and its allies do not provide that evidence.

Hezbollah also fired from the vicinity of United Nations outposts on an almost daily basis, which often led to Israeli counterstrikes. For observation purposes, the UN outposts tended to be located on hilltops, which also offered strategic positions for Hezbollah to fire at Israel. However, insofar as Hezbollah commanders or fighters chose those locations to launch attacks because the proximity of UN personnel would make counterattack difficult, that would constitute shielding. That the motives of Hezbollah combatants may have been mixed does not preclude that finding. Further investigation is needed in this regard.

With these few exceptions, Human Rights Watch found that Hezbollah stored its rockets in bunkers and facilities located in uninhabited fields and valleys; ordered its fighters and civilian officials away from populated civilian areas as soon as the fighting started; and fired its rockets from pre-prepared positions outside villages. In the vast majority of airstrikes resulting in civilian deaths investigated by Human Rights Watch, there was no Hezbollah military presence or activity to justify the attack.

In their investigations, Human Rights Watch researchers conducted detailed interviews with multiple witnesses, cross-checking testimony with people who had not spoken with each other and often testing it in details that would have been hard to concoct and coordinate. The researchers also conducted on-site inspections of attack sites, examining them for signs of Hezbollah presence or the types of weapons used. For each site visited, Human Rights Watch researchers photographed the site, documented any forensic evidence found, and collected the GPS coordinates. Whenever possible, Human Rights Watch researchers also visited the cemeteries where those killed in Israeli strikes were buried, to examine whether their gravestones identified them as civilians or as “martyrs” or “fighters” for Hezbollah or other armed groups. Because family members typically relished the “martyr” or “fighter” label for any loved one who died fighting, gravestones provided important evidence about who was and was not a combatant.

The report makes the following main recommendations:

Israel should revise its military policies that effectively treat all persons remaining in an area following evacuation warnings as combatants, so that in the future it targets only people or structures that constitute valid military objectives under the laws of war. Israel’s Winograd Commission, in particular, should investigate this issue.

Hezbollah should take all feasible measures to ensure that Hezbollah forces do not place civilians or UN personnel at unnecessary risk by deploying in, firing from or storing weapons in populated areas. The Lebanese government should investigate these practices. (Human Rights Watch’s report on Hezbollah’s deliberate and indiscriminate rocket attacks on civilian areas of Israel also calls for the Lebanese government to investigate those practices).

The United States should investigate Israel’s use of US-supplied arms in violation of the laws of war and suspend the transfer of those arms that have been used unlawfully, as well as funding or support for such materiel, pending certification by the US State Department that Israel has stopped using such arms in violation of the law and has changed the military doctrine behind that misuse.

Syria and Iran should not transfer to Hezbollah any material, including rockets, which Hezbollah has used in violation of the laws of war, until Hezbollah commits that it will not use them as such and in fact ceases such use.

The secretary-general of the United Nations should establish an international commission of inquiry to investigate reports of violations of the laws of war by all parties to the conflict, including possible war crimes.

The report builds on Human Rights Watch’s August 2006 report, “Fatal Strikes: Israel’s Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians in Lebanon.” In a report issued last week, Human Rights Watch addressed indiscriminate and deliberate Hezbollah rocket attacks on civilian areas of Israel in violation of the laws of war. In a forthcoming report, Human Rights Watch will address Israel’s unlawful use of cluster munitions in Lebanon during the 2006 conflict.
to find more, please visit:



مع أم ضد ؟

مع اعلان وزارة الاتصالات عن النظام الجديد لاحتساب تعريفة خطوط الدى اس ال بدأت ردود الافعال مبكرة حيث اعترض الكثير على ذلك باعتباره تحايل لرفع الاسعار واعترض البعض الاخر باعتبار ذلك تقييدا لاستخدام الانترنت وتسهيل الرقابة على استخدام الشبكة فى مصرلكن فى المقابل يرى البعض تيسيرا على المستخدمين الغير قادرين على الاسعار الحلية ومحاربة لنظام الوصلات التى يشيع استخدامها فى مصرفالى اى فريق نتحاز؟

My Ballot Box

هل انت مع نظام الحساب الجديد لخطوط الدى اس ال؟



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تحديد سعة الاستخدام لا يعني تشجيع الاستخدام


أضعف الايمان

لا أجد ما يمكن قوله او كتابته بينما المسجد الاقصى يتعرض لاكبر تهديد منذ الاحتلال الصليبى واكثر ما يثير الحزن والاحباط أنه فى ظل هذه الظروف نجد الشعب الفلسطينى مهموم بفتن داخلية بين مجموعة من المتصارعين على كراسى الحكم تحت شعارات مختلفة دون أدنى احساس بالمسؤلية او الخجل امام دماء شعبهم التى تسيل كل يوم وامام المقدسات التى تتعرض للتدنيس كل ساعة
।فى نفس الوقت الذى ينشغل فيه العرب بكثير من المشاكل المشابهة والمخجلة وكأن المسجد الاقصى مجرد" مسجد" على حد وصف القذافى لا فض فوه!اما مايحزننى كاغلب العرب والمسلمين هو الاحساس بالتقصير والعجز عن الدفاع عن مقدساتنا لكن اجد ان باب الدفاع عن المسجد الاقصى قد يكون متاحا باشكال اخرى وهو ما اعتبره اضعف الايمان ।ومن هذه الوسائل المشاركة فى حملة الدفاع عن القصى التى ادعوكم للانضمام اليها وباستخدام كل وسائل الدعاية الالكترونية لمواجهة حملات التزييف التى يقوم بها الاسرائيليين عبر المواقع الالكترونية والموسوعات المفتوحة مثل ويكيبيديا وعبر الكثير من البرامج والمدونات


"قناة "ر ص م

لا أدرى من هو" العبقرى" صاحب تصميم اللوجو المستفز الذى يظهر على شاشة القناة افضائية المصرية
ومن هو الاكثر عبقرية الذى وافق عليه واحله محل لوجو الهرم! ؟
وأعتقد أن هذه التصرفات العشوائية تدل على الفوضى وعدم التخطيط التى تسيطر على أجهزة الاعلام الحكومية بصفة خاصة والمؤسسات الحكومية بصفة عامة
وانك قد تفاجأ بتصرف اخرق من جهة حكومية ولا يمكنك ان تعرف المسؤل عنه ولا يمكن لاحد بالطبع ان يحاسبه
ولا توجد معايير لتحديد الخطأمن الصواب


finally !

اعتمد المجلس التنفيذي لليونسكو قرارا يؤكد على القيمة الاستثنائية العالمية لمدينة القدس القديمة وعلى ضرورة صون هذا الموقع المدرج على قائمة التراث العالمي، وذلك في جلسة عامة خصصت لهذا الموضوع، اعتمد القرار في نهايتها باتفاق الرأي
اضغط هنا

UNESCO Executive Board adopts landmark decision concerning the Mughrabi ascent in the Old City of Jerusalem

UNESCO's Executive Board has adopted a decision reaffirming the outstanding universal value of the Old City of Jerusalem and the need to protect and safeguard this World Heritage site. The decision followed a special meeting of the Board – whose 176th session has been underway in Paris since 10 April.
Adopted by consensus, the decision also recommends that the Bureau of the World Heritage Committee hold an urgent, informal meeting, in early May, to ensure a substantive discussion on the follow-up to the report of the Technical Mission sent to Jerusalem from 27 February to 2 March by the Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura. It also "requests the Director-General […] to propose to the World Heritage Committee at its upcoming meeting a mechanism to ensure the proper implementation of World Heritage Committee decisions." Commenting on the outcome of this “landmark decision”, the Chairman of UNESCO’s Executive Board, Zhang Xinsheng (China) noted that this was the “first time that Israelis and the Palestinians had worked together to ensure the protection of Jerusalem, an endangered World Heritage site common to all of humanity; and to work together constructively towards achieving consensus on this important and highly complex matter.” The decision, he said was "the fruit of an open, generous and constructive dialogue, the results of which will help to ensure that consultations amongst all parties become the usual practice.” “The ability of the parties involved,” he continued, “to achieve what, at the outset seemed unachievable, demonstrates UNESCO's unique ability – as a specialised agency within a reforming United Nations – to build bridges, generate solidarity, and, most especially, to help in our own way towards building a harmonized world, thus creating greater peace and relieving tensions in the Middle East.” In concluding the Chairman noted that “the resolution of this highly complex issue was possible thanks to the active contribution of Members of the Board, of the President of UNESCO’s General Conference and of the Organization’s Director-General." The Director-General of UNESCO also welcomed this new opportunity to reaffirm that "our determination to safeguard all cultural heritage properties - especially those in danger, wherever they may be, and in whatever circumstances - is an integral part of our mandate. The 1972 World Heritage Convention," Mr Matsuura added, "is one of our institution's most powerful symbols, a striking success of standard-setting at the service of shared universality. We have, once again, been able to show that UNESCO is a propitious forum of dialogue and peace, away from all controversy."

Source:UNESCO Press Release No. 2007-42


انحدار الفن المصرى بين شعبولا بعرور

فور بزوغ ظاهرة "الفنان" شعبان عبد الرحيم واشتهاره بعد أغنية " هابطل السجاير" انزعج الكثير من النقاد: ليس بسبب علمهم بما قدمه سابقاً من " روائع الفن الشعبى " لكن لان أغلبهم شعر بتجاوب الجمهور مع فن رديئ واحسوا ببدىء ظاهرة غير غير مرغوبة
وبعد ذلك أطل علينا سعد الصغير ليملأ هو الاخر الدنيا ضجيجا بصوته المزعج وأغانيه الهابطة وحركاته الرقيعة. والمؤسف أنه وجد هو الاخر من يقبل على "فنه".
لكن الاسوأ لم يمن أتى بعد .. حتى ظهر علينا "شىء" أخر اسمه عماد بعرور يتغنى بكلمات يعاقب عليها القانون وبصوت يندرج تحت مفهوم التلوث السمعى . وحتى كلمة اسفاف أجدها أرقى بكثير مما يقدمه هذا البعرور . لكن الغريب أنه هو الاخر وجد من يتبناه من "مقاولى السينما الجدد" لينشر "روائعه" من خلال السينما من خلال أفلامهم "الهادفة".
لكن هل يظل المجتمع صامتا أمام هذا العبث بأسم "الفن الشعبى" والاساءة الى كثيرين ممن قدموا الكثير لهذا الفن بادراج هؤلاء المدعين بينهم .!
وهل نترك أمثال هؤلاء يقدموا لأطفالنا دروسهم اليومية فى الاسفاف والوقاحة؟! ؟أم أنه سيكون هناك وقفة أمامهم ليقدموا بضاعتهم الفاسدة فى الأماكن المناسبة لهم فى الغرز والخمارات وليتركوناننعم بصمتهم


عادل عبد العال

بالرغم اننى قد تفاجأت ببعض المعلومات التى لم تكن معلومة عن الدكتور عادل عبد العال مثلى مثل الكثيرين

:لكن مازلت أعتقد أن الحملة ضده مفتعلة لعدة أسباب

الدكتور عادل عبد العال يقدم برامجه من فترة ليست قليلة وليس الان-
التليفزيون المصرى كان يقدم برامج الدكتور مصطفى نوفل فى -وهو ليس طبيبا-وكان يتناول تقريبا نفس المعلومات-

الحملة لم تتناول الدكتور عادل عبد العال وحده لكن تناولت الدكتور عبد الباسط وهو طبيب وباحث فى هذا المجال-

الدكتور عادل عبد العال (على حد متابعتى له) لم ينتحل صفة طبيب بل كان يقدم تثقيف غذائى يفتقده للاسف أغلب المصريين_بالرغم-
من أن أجدادنا كانوا يحسنون اختيار غذائهم وبالفطرة, كما اظنه حذر من بعض الممارسات الخاطئة التى تندرج تحت باب الدجل

والمتاجرة بالدين

!اذا لا بد أن هناك أسباب أخرى

.....اضافة الى تساءؤل اخر

لماذا يتغافل هؤلاء الغيورين على مهنة الطب عن الاف التجاوزات التى يتعرض لها الانسات المصرى من الاطباء وغير الاطباء دون أى رقيب أو حسيب!؟؟


سمو الامير وكلابه

لا أفهم السبب الذى يجعل شخص مثل الامير تركى يحتفظ بتسعة كلاب فى الفندق الذى يقيم به
فاذا كان الهدف هو الحراسة ,فسموه لديه كلاب من نوع اخر, اضافة لأمن الفندق,
واذا كان الهدف هو العطف على الحيوانات فكان بالأولى به الرفق بضحايا هذه الكلاب.
لكن المدهش هو تكرار حوادث هذه الكلاب , وأن تصبح هذه الكلاب فوق القانون!
فانا أتسائل لو كان أحد ضحايا هذه الكلاب موجودا بالمملكة السعودية وقام بالاعتداء
على كلب هناك (وليس العكس) هل كان سيترك دون عقاب ويظل القانون فى أجازة؟!
والى متى يظل المواطن المصرى مهانا فى وطنه غير أمن على حياته؟!
فمرة شاب مستهتر يقتل عدة مصريين بسيارته ويغادر دون محاسبة
,وأخر يترك كلابه تنهش فى الابرياء دون أى مبالاة.
أعتقد أن المسؤلية تقع على من اعطوا القانون أجازة على حساب كرامة المصريين


Lnd day

1. What does Land Day commemorate? Land Day, known as ‘Youm al-Ard’ in Arabic, commemorates the bloody killing of six Palestinians in the Galilee on March 30, 1976 by Israeli troops during peaceful protests over the confiscation of Palestinian lands. It has since become a painful reminder of Israeli injustice and oppression against the Palestinian people, and a day for demonstration linking all Palestinians in their struggle against occupation, self-determination and national liberation.
2. What happened on Land Day? Israeli authorities announced the confiscation of a total of 5,500 acres of land from Palestinian villages in the Galilee, and classified them as "closed military zones." The expropriated lands later fell subject to heavy illegal settlement expansion. The confiscation of land led Palestinians within the 1948 borders to hold a general strike of repudiation, protesting the expropriation and colonization of their land. Israeli army and police responded to the demonstrations with violence, killing 6 Palestinians, in addition to injuring 96 others and arresting over 300. Arab villages and towns were declared as closed military zones by the Israeli authorities and a curfew imposed on a number of them.
3. How will Land Day be commemorated this year? This year's commemoration will take place in the shadow of Israeli hostilities that has seen the murder of Palestinians escalating unchecked, continued land confiscation, closures, mass curfews and an Israeli separation wall fragmenting Palestinian territories, rendering them unviable.
The National Committee to Resist the Wall calls for the following activities:
1. Partial strike from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in all the districts in West Bank and Gaza. 2. Massive popular marches in centers of districts to begin at 1:30 p.m. 3. Joint activities on both sides of the green line in many sites on both sides of the wall. 4. Mounting popular activities in threatened villages particularly in Ramallah, Jerusalem and Bethlehem areas. 5. Palestinian National and Islamic factions will issue a statement on this day. 6. After finishing official classes on Tuesday 03/03/2004, organizing small rallies in various educational facilities for students and teachers in which a joint and digest statement will be recited about Land Day, connecting them with the wall battle. Students and teachers will be called upon to organize marches in the afternoon of that day. 7. Organizing events that day in all locations of Diaspora.
4. How Much Land has been confiscated by Israel since Land Day in 1976? Since 1967 Israel has confiscated more than 750,000 acres of land from the 1.5 million acres comprising the West Bank and Gaza. Most of the land has been confiscated to make space for illegal settlement expansions, and bypass roads that are limited exclusively to Israeli settlers. In 1948 and the subsequent few years, Israel confiscated nearly 85 percent of the territory within the Green Line from Palestinians. Most of this land was taken from the 800,000 Palestinian refugees, who were evicted or fled for fear of massacres during the 1948 war.
5. Is land still being confiscated by Israel? As we mark the 28th anniversary of Palestinian “Land Day,” Israel’s illegal settlement expansion and land confiscation continues unabated, even at a time in which the need for reconciliation, peace and justice is more pressing than ever before. Furthermore, the ongoing construction of the Israeli separation wall, which has been described by a UN report as a “creeping annexation”, involves the confiscation of large amounts of fertile Palestinian land. The separation wall will annex 45% of the West Bank territory, leaving all Palestinians to live in 12% of historical Palestine. In the wall’s first phase alone some 2850 acres of agricultural land were damaged.
6. How does Israel confiscate Palestinian Land? In the areas occupied in 1967, Israel suffices itself with military orders, of which over 1300 have been issued so far, and which can be contested only with great difficulty. No cases of significance are known to have succeeded in reversing Israeli expropriation orders. For the end of confiscation of lands and properties falling within Israel the Knesset (Israeli parliament) passed dozens of laws facilitating that end, such as the The Absentee Property law and the Development Authority (Transfer of Property) Law.
7. What is the Absentee Property law? The law, which in Arabic is called ‘Qanoon Elhader/Gayeb’, adopted in March 1950, classified anyone who was a citizen or resident of one of the Arab states or a Palestinian citizen on 29 November, 1947 but had left his place of residence, even to take refuge within Palestine, as an ‘absentee’. Absentee property was vested in the Custodian of Absentee Property who then ‘sold’ it to the Development Authority. This effectively authorized the theft of the property of a million Arabs, seized by Israel in 1948.
8. What is the Development Authority (Transfer of Property) Law? The law, adopted in July 1950, was devised as a legal ploy to shield Israel's government from the accusation that it has confiscated abandoned property. The Development Authority is an independent body empowered to sell, buy, lease, exchange, repair, build, develop and cultivate Palestinian property. None of these transactions could take place except with a Jew or a Jewish entity.
9. Are there any relevant UN resolutions? United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 clearly asserts that the "…occupying power cannot move segments of its own population to parts of the land it occupies," or make any demographic or territorial changes that are not in the interest of the occupied. Furthermore, provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention have unquestionably condemned Israel’s settlement activities and demanded the ceasing of “all” settlement expansion by Israel. UN Security Council Resolution 681 (1990) confirmed that the Forth Geneva Convention is applicable to the Occupied Territories and thus Israel’s compliance mandatory.
10. Has the Israeli government changed its policies regarding land confiscation and settlement activity with the emergence of a peace process in 1994? The Israeli government has evidently not made any efforts, or expressed willingness, to alter its policies. Israel continued to expropriate Palestinian lands and build illegal settlements, while concurrently engaged in the U.S. mediated peace plan that required it to cease all settlement expansion. In fact settlement activity during those years saw an increase of almost 50% from 96,158 in June 1992 to 145,000 in June 1996. Israeli confiscation and settlement policies were addressed in a number of initiatives such as the Mitchell Plan and the Road Map which aimed to restore the peace process, but were unsuccessful in eliciting Israeli compliance.
11। What needs to be done / What can be done? The international community needs to decisively and effectively compel Israel to abide by the UN Security Council Resolutions, stop all land theft and cease all settlement activities on occupied Palestinian land.



Muslims celebrate Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday

Muslims marked on Saturday Milad Un-Nabi, the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)।The holy Prophet is believed to have been born on Monday in the city of Mecca, Arabia, in 570 A.C, on 12 Rabi Awwal, one of twelve months in the Islamic calendar.At the age of 40, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the final seal of all the prophets and messengers of Allah, received the final revelation from Allah.Muslims scholars used Friday sermons to urge Muslims emulate the Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and follow his teachings and conduct, and have his noble character as a role model.Some Muslims believe that Milad Un-Nabi should be a time of celebration, arguing that the remembrance of the Prophet's birthday is a "good innovation," but others disagree.Celebrating the Prophet's birthday, or Milad Un-Nabi is permissible provided that it does not include any action that is forbidden according to the Islamic teachings.But the Prophet, his Companions, and his early followers never celebrated his birthday.The British historian and philosopher, Thomas Carlyle, (d. 1881) in his "Lectures on Heroes, Hero Worship and the Heroic in History," (1841) said about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), "The word of such a man is a voice direct from nature's own heart. Men do and must listen to that or nothing else; all else is wind in comparison . . . They called him prophet, you say? Why, he stood there face to face with them, bare, not enshrined in any mystery; visibly sewing his own cloak; cobbling his own shoes, fighting, counselling; ordering in the midst of them, they must have seen what kind of man he was. Let him be called what you like! No emperor with his dignity was obeyed as this man in a cloak of his own making."The best way to show and express our love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reading his Shirah (biography) and studying examples from his life as mentioned in the Sunnah.-- AJP and agencies

سيادة العقيد ... نقطنا بسكاتك

هاهو "الزعيم" الليبى كعادته مع كل قمة عربية" يفاجئنا"بمقاطعته المصحوبة ببعض الصخب الاعلامى

اضافة للقليل من الدروس الشيقة فى السياسة والتاريخ

ولكن اذا كان قد قرر "تطليق" العمل العربى على حد وصفه

فلماذا لايوفر خطبه الثمينة عن المؤامرات وعن "حبيبته" وزيرة الخارجية الامريكية على حد وصفه أيضا( ذات الاصول الافريقية) أو

ليذكر لنا ماذا قدمت" الجماهيرية العظمى" للعرب غير ا لمقاطعة واثارة المشاكل ومشروعه التاريخى" اسراطين" أ و ليعلمنا كيف

يواجه الامبريالية الامريكية بعد أن حلت " الراسمالية الشعبية" محل "الاشتراكية الشعبية"والؤسف حقا أن هناك من يستمع ويروج

لبضاعته الرديئة


تحية لهذا الرجل

تحية ل"ولد فال" قائد الانقلاب السلمى الذى أتى بالدميقراطية لشعب موريتانيا
ولم يطمع فى كرسى او منصب, ليضرب مثلا رائعاَ
ويثبت أنه لا يوجد شعب قاصر لم "ينضج بعد" حتى ينال ديمقراطيته الكاملة
وأن العرب قادرين على تقديم هذه النماذج الطيبة

documented war crime

this isn't only documented war crime but it's also documented by the criminal !

this video is from " the israeli tv" transformed by "dream tv" ,they talk about killing the egyptian war prisoners:

there is another link to the same video: elfagr newspaper

وشكرا لكل من قام بتسجيل هذا الفيديو ليكون دليلا يضاف الى أدلة أخرى على هذه الجرائم


مشاهدات مواطن ايجابى

قررت اليوم الا أستجيب للدعوات "المغرضة " التى تتبناها المعارضة لمقاطعة الاستفتاء .ورفضت "المياصة السياسية" على حد تعبير مفيد فوزى-لا فض فوه- وذهبت الى لجنتى الانتخابية فى محل ميلادى (حسب تعليمات وزارة الداخلية) وانتهزت الفرصة لزيارة أقاربى هناك وتوجهت الى اللجنة التى كانت تقريبا خالية من المصوتين باستثناء واحد او اثنين
ناشطوا" الحزب الوطنى كانوا متواجدين بكثافة -لكن دون أن الحظ أى تدخل منهم"- مثلما كان واضحا فى الاستفتاء السابق ,الموظفون المسؤلون عن اللجنة كانوا يتهامسون بأن حجم التصويت لم يتعد 50 مع, (كانت الساعة الخامسة) مع علمى بأن المقيدين بهذه اللجنة حوالى 7000 مواطن ...تعمدت ان أؤشر ب لا أمام الموظفين لأرى رد فعلهم...لا تعليق ..مجرد نظرة استغراببعد انتهائى من التصوين لم أغمس اصبعى فى الحبر .. لم يعترض أحد غادرت اللجنة محييا أحد الأعضاء فى الحزب الوطنى الذى أعرفه شخصياً تعجبت من الهدوء والبساطة التى لم أعتدها فى أغلب الانتخابات

هل لأن الحزب الوطنى واثق من مقاطعة الرافضين أم أن وراء الكواليس أشياء أخرى ؟ أعتقد أن الأيام القادمة ستنبىء بالحقيقة

على كل حال أتمنى أن تكون مناقشة القوانين المكملة بشكل أفضل وألا يقوم ترزية القوانين بدس شرورهم داخل هذه القوانين وألايتبنى الحزب الوطنى أسلوب الاقصاء الذى قام به فى مناقشة التعديلات الدستورية.


! الحيزبون فى مصر

هاهى حمالة الحطب لهذا العصر كوندليزا رايس تحط بخطاعا المشؤمة فى مصر

ولكن ما هو السبب الحقيقى لزيارتها الغير سعيدة ؟

على حد وكالات الانباء (على امل دفع حلفائها العرب الى تفعيل مبادرة سلام قديمة مع اسرائيل

قد تحرك برأيها المفاوضات الفلسطينية الاسرائيلية المجمدة حاليا) لكن الواضح هو ممارسة ضغوط جديدة

لصالح اسرائيل أو لدعم الحكومة العراقية قبل القمة العربية.

وفى كل الأحوال لا يسعنا الا أن نقول لها لا أهلا ولا سهلاَ


مبروك ..مصر تفوز بتنظيم كأس العالم للشباب عام 2009

أعلن اتحاد الكرة المصري في مؤتمر صحفي يوم الجمعة أن مصر فازت رسميا بتنظيم كأس العالم للشباب دون 20 عاما في عام 2009.وقال أحمد شوبير نائب رئيس اتحاد الكرة يوم الجمعة إن الاتحاد تلقى موافقة رسمية من الفيفا لتنظيم البطولة.وأضاف أن رئيس المجلس القومي للرياضة حسن صقر كان له الدور الأكبر في فوز مصر بتنظيم البطولة بعد الاتصالات الواسعة التي أجراها خلال الأيام الماضية مع مسئولين في الكاف والفيفا، والتي أدت إلى فوز مصر باستضافة البطولة.وتقام البطولة في شهري يونيو ويوليو من عام 2009 بمشاركة 24 فريقا مقسمة على ست مجموعات، وحددت لجنة إعداد ملف التنظيم ستة ملاعب لاستضافة البطولة هي القاهرة الدولي والكلية الحربية في العاصمة، وبرج العرب وحرس الحدود في الإسكندرية، والمصري في بورسعيد، بالإضافة إلى ملعب الإسماعيلية.ويقام كأس العالم للشباب هذا العام بكندا في شهر يوليو دون مشاركة مصر للمرة الأولى منذ ستة أعوام.وسبق لمصر تنظيم كأس العالم للناشئين دون 17 عاما في عام 1997، بينما استضافت القارة الأفريقية تنظيم مونديال الشباب لآخر مرة عام 1999 في نيجيري

المصدر : فى الجول


Israel accused of 'apartheid'

A UN human rights envoy has likened Israel's treatment of Palestinians in occupied territory to "apartheid", and said that failure to tackle the situation will make it hard to solve abuses elsewhere.

John Dugard, a UN special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, made his remarks to the UN Human Rights Council on Thursday.

Dugard, a South African lawyer, said restrictions on movement and separate residential areas gave a sense of "deja vu" to anyone with experience of apartheid, noting that apartheid was "contrary to international law".

He said: "Of course there are similarities between the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territory] and apartheid South Africa."

He also told the council that the situation "places in danger the whole international human rights enterprise".

He said that Western states would never rally support among developing nations for effective action against perceived abuses elsewhere, such as Sudan's Darfur, unless they tackled the plight of Palestinians.

Israel dismissed the statement and Dugard's regular reports to the council as "one-sided, highly selective and unreservedly biased".

Dugard, who was appointed to his position in 2001, said that Gaza was an imprisoned society and that the situation in the West Bank was little better.

'Reign of terror'

He said about 500,000 Israeli settlers were now living in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, territories seized by Israel during the 1967 Middle East war.

"Settlers, largely unrestrained by the Israel Defence Forces [the Israeli military], subject many Palestinians to a reign of terror - particularly in Hebron," he said.

Itzhak Levanon, Israel's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, said such language was "inflammatory and inciteful" and would not contribute to a "process of constructive dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians".

Source: aljazeera


تحية لكل أم فى عيدها

بعيدا عن السياسة ومشاكلها والعالم وأحداثه المتسارعة

وبعيدا عن التعديلات الدستورية و صداعها

انتهز هذه الفرصة لأتقدم لكل الأمهات وفى مقدمتهن أمى بعيدهن

وللجميع بمناسبة بداية فصل الربيع
وكل عام وأنتم بخير


مقتل وإصابة 15 جندياً أمريكياً في هجمات بالعراق.....عقبال الباقى

أعلن جيش الاحتلال الأمريكي مقتل سبعة من جنوده وإصابة ثمانية آخرين في هجمات متفرقة بالعراق، وأصدر الجيش بياناً جاء فيه: إن خمسة جنود لقوا مصرعهم في انفجارين ببغداد أمس بينما توفي جندي سادس لأسباب لا علاقة لها بالعمليات العسكرية في تكريت شمالي العراق، وقال البيان إن أربعة جنود قتلوا وجرح خامس في تفجير عبوة ناسفة بدوريتهم في غرب بغداد، وإن جندياً آخر جرح عندما تعرضت القوات الأمريكية لنيران الأسلحة الخفيفة بعد التفجير، كما قتل جندي وجرح ثلاثة آخرون في تفجير استهدف دورية راجلة جنوب بغداد. وقتل السابع متأثراً بجراح أصيب بها أثناء انفجار عبوة ناسفة بالقرب من وحدته العسكرية في مدينة "سامراء".
وبذلك يرتفع إلى 3218 عدد القتلى من العسكريين الأمريكيين بالعراق منذ غزوه قبل أربع سنوات. ويأتي استمرار الهجمات والخسائر البشرية في صفوف القوات الأمريكية رغم مشاركة تعزيزاتها مع القوات العراقية في تنفيذ الخطة الأمنية ببغداد.
ويؤدي استمرار هذه الخسائر إلى تصاعد ضغوط الديمقراطيين بالكونجرس والرأي العام الأمريكي على الرئيس الأمريكي جورج بوش لوضع جدول زمني للانسحاب

للتنظيف :-)

المصدر: ديمقراطية شعبية


The World Is Against Bush

A series of anti-war demonstrations are under way, with protests scheduled in countries including the United States, Canada, Australia and Britain ahead of the fourth anniversary of the US-led war in Iraq.

Thousands of people are expected to converge on the centre of the US capital on Saturday and march on the Pentagon, organisers said.
The protests are timed to coincide with the fourth anniversary on Tuesday of the Iraq war, which has claimed at least 70,000 civilian lives and nearly 10,000 lives of soldiers and police officers from Iraq, the US and eight coalition countries.
The US military said on Friday it was sending some 2,600 soldiers to Iraq earlier than planned, raising the number of extra US troops being deployed, in a new effort to stabilise the country, to nearly 30,000.

Australia protest

Around 500 protesters marched through Sydney on Saturday to mark the fourth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.

Similar rallies were held in cities around Australia.

The demonstrators called for the withdrawal of troops from not just Iraq but Afghanistan as well, and for the government of John Howard, Australia's prime minister, to bring Australian terrorism suspect David Hicks home from US detention at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

Kerry Nettle, a Greens member of parliament, said she had campaigned against Australian participation when it was first mooted.

Nettle said: "Four years on, how things have changed. The issue of Iraq is the disaster we all said it would be. The predictions have not only come true, it's worse."

Pentagon march
It's been 40 years since protesters mobilised a massive march on the Pentagon in Washington against the Vietnam war - an image that organisers of Saturday's massive march against the Iraq war are hoping to match.

Bill Hackwell, a spokesman for the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (Answer) coalition, which is organising the march, said: "We're feeling a shift in the general population of the country who are now opposed to the war and are now thinking about doing something about it, not only about voting but becoming active in the anti-war struggle."

The 1967 Pentagon march, which looms large in the nation's collective memory as the beginning of the end of the war in Vietnam, drew an estimated 50,000 to 100,00 marchers to Washington - a number that will likely be used as a measure for the success of Saturday's march.

Late on Friday, about 100 peace activists, including members of the clergy, were arrested as they held a vigil on a sidewalk in front of the White House, ignoring police orders to disperse.

Kate Manzanares, a 29-year-old doctor from Virginia, who watched the arrests along with about 1,000 other protesters, said: "Hopefully, I think it really speaks truth to power."

Christian prayer service

Earlier in the day, the group that organised the vigil, Christian Peace Witness for Iraq, held a service at Washington's National Cathedral that was attended by 3,500-4,000 people, organisers said.

The war has grown increasingly unpopular, with recent polls showing that a majority of Americans now say the invasion was a mistake and want the US government to set a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

Hackwell said more Americans are demanding change because too much money is being spent on the war rather than social needs like health care, education and employment.

He said: "It is not an exaggeration to make this connection about the funding that gets cut for needed social programmes and the money going to the Pentagon."

Other anti-war events are planned in the next few days across the country.

In Los Angeles, thousands of protesters are expected to take the streets of Hollywood on Saturday and another Answer demonstration is expected in San Francisco. The anti-war coalition United for Peace and Justice said it was expecting thousands of people to turn up at a protest in New York on Sunday.

Activists want the Democratic-led Congress to push hard for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
Troop build-up
Bulking up about 140,000 US troops already fighting in Iraq, the combat aviation brigade from the US army's third infantry division will deploy in early May, some 45 days sooner than previously envisaged, the US military said on Friday.

The brigade is the third element to be announced in a package of support units being deployed to assist 21,500 extra combat troops ordered to Iraq under a plan unveiled by George Bush, the US president, in January.

Robert Gates, the US defence secretary, said: "The aviation brigade, which is really principally rotary helicopter support for the troops, is the final piece."
Sectarian violence in Iraq has continuously thwarted American efforts to bring the four-year-old war to a close.

US soldier guilty of Iraq deaths

A US soldier has been found guilty of lesser charges of negligent homicide in the killing of three Iraqi detainees who were let loose and told to run before being shot.

Sergeant Raymond Girouard, 24, of Sweetwater, Tennessee, had been charged with premeditated murder and other offences that could have drawn a life sentence.
He was acquitted of those charges on Friday and found guilty of three counts of negligent homicide as well as obstruction of justice and other charges.

The charges could result in a sentence of 20 or more years, a Fort Campbell spokesman in Kentucky said. Sentencing will take place on Monday.
Girouard was leading a squad in May 2006 during a raid on a suspected fighters' camp near Thar Thar lake, southwest of Tikrit, when the incident happened.

He was the last and most senior soldier from the 101st Airborne Division to be tried for the killings.

Three other soldiers under Girouard's command who were also charged with the deaths made plea agreements and were sentenced earlier.

Specialist William Hunsaker and Private First Class Corey Clagett were sentenced to 18 years in military prison. The third got nine months in jail.

Court testimony

Hunsaker testified on Wednesday that Girouard ordered him to kill three Iraqi detainees, then cut him with a knife to make it look as if there had been a struggle.

"They're going to cut the ties, tell them to run, shoot them," Hunsaker quoted Girouard as saying.

Girouard had said he was under orders to kill all men of military age but denied ordering the slayings.

Anita Gorecki, Girouard's lawyer, said that the sergeant never ordered his soldiers to shoot the detainees, but that he did help cover up the killings.

She said: "He realised they killed the detainees, and in that moment, yes, he decided to help his squad members."

The soldiers had previously told investigators they were given rules of engagement by Colonel Michael Steele, the 3rd Brigade commander, to kill all military-age men.

Steele has denied this but invoked his right not to testify.

During an August hearing in Iraq that led to the charges, a witness testified he saw the prisoners trying to run away at full sprint, some with their blindfolds down, when they were shot.
The case is one of a series from the Iraq war in which US military personnel are accused of crimes against Iraqi civilians.
source: aljazeera


One Million Blogs for PeaceTo End the Iraq War
Between 20 March 2007 and 20 March 2008 (the fifth year of the war), we will attempt to sign up One Million Blogs for Peace. By signing up, a blogger is stating his or her agreement with The Pledge below. They will then be able to participate in various challenges launched by One Million Blogs for Peace. They will also be listed on this website with a link to their blog.Bloggers may take The Pledge and sign up before the launch date of 30 March 2007 and will be declared an "Inblogural" (Inaugural Blog) of the movement.
I believe in the immediate withdrawal of all foreign combat troops from the nation of Iraq. I believe in using my blog, in whole or in part, as a tool toward this end.
For the official count (toward 1,000,000), a blog must be based in the home country of a nation currently engaged in the Iraq War. As of now, those nations are: Albania, Australia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Poland, Romania, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.Additional blogs from other nations may list themselves as "Support Blogs". While not counting toward the 1,000,000 count, these blogs will be eligible to participate in some of the challenges and will be listed in their own section

هل سنقول لا؟

تحت شعار «لا للتعديلات الدستورية والحرية لكل الناس، ولا لإقصاء القضاة عن صناديق الانتخابات، ولا لتحويل المدنيين لمحاكم عسكرية، ولا لقانون مكافحة الإرهاب» تظاهر ممثلو 8 أحزاب تضم: الوفد، والتجمع، والعربي الناصري، والغد، والعمل، والكرامة، والأحرار، والإصلاح، والعدالة والتنمية، ظهر أمس بمشاركة نقابات المهندسين والمحامين والعلميين والأطباء ونادي هيئة التدريس ومركز شهاب لحقوق الإنسان وحركة كفاية وجماعة الإخوان المسلمين رفضاً للتعديلات الدستورية.الأمن أحاط بالمظاهرة التي وقفت علي سلالم محكمة الحقانية بميدان المنشية واستمرت ساعة، ووزع تحالف القوي الوطنية للإصلاح المعروف باسم "تقوا"، بياناً خلال المظاهرة، عددوا فيه مساوئ النظام وما ارتكبه في حق القضاة وأطفال الشوارع وحادث العبارة وتهريب المليارات من البنوك والغلاء الفاحش ورفض 13 حزباً وسجن المعارضين.وأوضح البيان أن الهدف الحقيقي للنظام من وراء تمثيلية التعديلات الدستورية، هو إقصاء القضاة عن صناديق الانتخابات لتكريس التزوير وإقصاء كل القوي الحرة القادرة علي مواجهة النظام وكشف فساده وتهيئة الأجواء للتوريث.ورفض البيان التمثيلية الهزلية للتعديلات الدستورية التي اصطدمت بطموحات الشعب المصري في التغيير والإصلاح.في المقابل، رفض مجلس الشوري خلال جلسة نقاش استمرت ساعتين أمس، المقترحات المقدمة من المعارضة بتعديل صياغة المادة 88 من الدستور والخاصة بالإشراف القضائي علي الانتخابات، فيما برر نواب الحزب الوطني قرار «الشوري» بأنه من الصعب تحقيق الإشراف القضائي علي كل
صندوق في ظل زيادة أعداد الناخبين، وزعموا أنه لا توجد دولة في العالم يجري فيها الإشراف القضائي الكامل علي الانتخابات


عن السفلة

حاولت البحث عن شريط الفيلم الوثائقى الذى عرضه التلفزيون الاسرائيلى دون جدوى لكنى عثرت على هذا الفيلم الشهير
الذى يوضخ نفس الشىء وهو مدى انحطاط العدو الذى امامنا وأتمنى ان تظل مثل هذه الصور دائما عالقة فى اذهاننا
ولا ننخدع بالكلام الساذج عن رغبتهم فى السلام


Shin Bet interrogation tactic rejected !

The High Court of Justice on Wednesday ordered Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) interrogators to inform a Palestinian detainee that his wife had not been arrested and placed under interrogation, as they had previously told him. The ruling could be the first step in abolishing the Shin Bet interrogation technique, said human rights lawyer Eliahu Abram.
The court's decision came in response to a petition by the Public Committee against Torture in Israel (PCATI) on behalf of Mahmoud Sueti, 31, from Hebron, who was arrested February 1.
According to the petition, written by PCATI attorney Labib Haviv, Sueti's father and wife were informed by the IDF on February 19 that they could visit him in jail and bring clothes and utensils. When they arrived the following day at the Etzion Military Detention Center, the father was forced to don prison clothes and he and his daughter-in-law were then shown to Sueti to make him think they had been arrested.
The Shin Bet used the deception to break Sueti's spirit and get him to divulge information.
A few days after the incident, Haviv found out that Sueti, who believed the Shin Bet ruse, had become depressed and tried to commit suicide.
The petitioners demanded that the Shin Bet immediately inform Sueti that his father and wife had not been arrested.
Even before the hearing was held, the Shin Bet informed the court they had already told Sueti that his father had not been arrested. The petitioners insisted that the Shin Bet also tell Sueti that his wife had not been detained.
In a short ruling that dealt only with the specific case of Sueti, the court granted the petitioners' request.
Abram, who is the PCATI legal adviser, told The Jerusalem Post the judges appeared to be sympathetic toward the petitioners. At one point, Justice Elyakim Rubinstein asked the state representative whether he really thought that dressing up the father as a prisoner was proper.
While the petition was being heard, PCATI decided to turn it into a case of principle, whereby the court would be asked to declare that the Shin Bet technique of deceiving detainees by claiming that members of their family had been arrested constituted illegal psychological pressure.
Other human rights groups, including Moked in Defense of the Individual, B'Tselem and Physicians for Human Rights, asked to join the petition in lieu of the greater significance now attached to the issue.
The court rejected the request. However, as it routinely does, it informed the organizations that they could submit a new petition.
If they decide to do so, said Abram, Wednesday's court decision could mark a first step toward a landmark ruling banning the use of the interrogation practice on the grounds that it constitutes illegal psychological pressure.
source: jpost.com


محكمة القرع الدولية

بعد أكثر من 12 عام خرجت علينا محكمة العدل الدولية بلاهاى بقرار مشين
يبرىء يوغسلافيا السابقة من تهمة الابدة الجماعية ويحملها فقط مسؤلية التقصير
و القرار يلقى التهمة على صرب البوسنة.
وكلنا يعلم أن هذا الكيان مصتنع وأنه لو استمرت الحرب
عدة أشهر لما كان هناك سوى صربيا الكبرى.
وكل الاسلحة والمقاتلين والدعم بل والاوامر كانت تأتى من بلجراد
فلمصلحة من انكار حقيقة ساطعة وحرمان شعب البوسنة من التعويضات.؟!


خلط الاوراق

أتعجب من الضجة التى يثيرها البعض على الحكم الصادر بالسجن على المون عبد الكريم ومحاولة تصويره على أنه مناضل رأ وشهيد للحرية.
فأ شخص قد تابع مدوناته وتعليقاته سيجد نفسه امام انسان غير سوى يروج لفكرمنحرف.
والمشكلة ليست فقط فى الالحاد والافكار الغريبة التى يتبناها عبد الكريم ولكن فى أنه يعتبرهذه اضلالات رسالة نبيلة
.ولا يمكن تبرير ذلك باسم الحرية , فالحرية ليست مطلقة.
كما لايمكن التعاطف معه لمجرد الحكم عليه بالسجن واعتباره بذلك بطل قومى , والا فلنصنع تماثيل لكل اللصوص وقطاع الطرق.
فهناك فرق كبير بين أن تعارض النظام وبين أن تعارض الوطن
وهناك فرق بين حرية التعبير وبين التطاول على الاديان وقيم المجتمع.
ومشكلة عبد الكريم أنه طالب أزهرى وكان الاولى به ان يكون قدوة لغيره يساعدهم على الهداية بلا من أن يتبنى أفكار
الشواذ فكريا امثال منى حلمى ووفاء سلطان وترويج نفاياتهم عبر مدونته.
واذكر المدونين الذين يساندون عبد الكريم بأنهم جميعاهاجموا النظام بل وسبوه مرات كثيرة ولم يتم الحكم على احدهم واطلق سراحهم لأنه رغم كل شىء لدينا قضاء يثق فيه الجميع.
كما أدعوا البعض ممن أعجبهم كثرة الظهور الاعلام وتصوروا بذلك انهم أصبحوا مناضلين أن يلتفتوا الى ما يحدث للمسجد الاقصىومتابعة المناضلين الحقيقين الذين يدافعون عن شرف الامة.
كما اتمنى أن يجتمع المدونون المصريون على ميثاق شرف يضع ضوابط ذاتية تجعل من مجهودهم عمل مثمر بناء لا مجرد ضجيج اعلامى.

the wall

In 1948, Israel declared a State after occupying 78% of Palestine and the mass expulsion of the Palestinian people. In 1967, Israel invaded the remaining 22% of the Palestinian land, and to this day it is still under occupation.Israel is now building what it calls a ‘security fence’ around the West Bank telling the world that it is needed to keep Palestinian ‘terrorists’ out of Israel. In reality, this is a land grabbing exercise as the wall is being built inside the West Bank.The land Israel is robbing is the most fertile in the West Bank. The wall has cut-off many farmers from their farms and school children from schools. Some farmers have now been completely expelled from their land and been told that the land is now Israel.Once the wall is completed, Palestinians will lose over 50% of the West Bank, leaving the 3.5 million Palestinians living in prison conditions without their land, little food and water, and with no hope.

Facts About the Wall

The separation wall is made of reinforced cement, barbed wire, electrical fences, trenches, electronic motion sensors, guard towers for armed guards and security roads.The wall is costing $1 million per kilometre and is expected to be over 700 kilometres long when completed. Most of the finance for it is coming from the United States government.At least 95,000 Palestinians (4.5% of the West Bank population) will be isolated between the wall and Israel and these people will have no rights to travel or get services from Israel. In addition 200,000 people in East Jerusalem will be totally isolated from the rest of the West Bank.At least 10% of the West Bank is being or will be confiscated by and for Israel because of the route of the Wall. The path of the Wall has been strategically modified at various times to allow the annexation of settlements and the most fertile lands of 50 Palestinian villages.Thousands of acres of land have been razed for the Wall, including the uprooting of over 100,000 trees.The Israeli public support the wall because their government has said that it is for their security and that it will keep Palestinian bombers out of Israel. The reality is that the wall will create more instability in the region as thousands of Palestinians have or will lose jobs, homes and livelihoods. With no hope, they will follow the path of the dozens of other desperate self bombers.The Israeli public believes the wall is being built on the green line border between Israel and the West Bank. This is a complete lie and to keep the truth from emerging, Israel has not produced any maps of the wall at all during it’s first construction phase.

If the Israeli government was concerned about security, it would build the wall across the green line which is a length of 350 kilometres, not within the West Bank to the length of 700 kilometres.Upon laying the groundwork for the Wall, Israeli bulldozers have destroyed over 35,000 meters of water pipes used by Palestinians.Approximately 20,000 individuals in the north are located on one side of the Wall but with their agricultural lands on the other side, loosing their livelihoods, sustenance, and heritage.The land confiscation, destruction, and severe restriction of movement will mean the loss of 6,500 Palestinian jobs.To date over 100 buildings have been demolished, the majority of which were stores and an important source of income and survival for a number of communities.Medical access will be significantly impaired as access by Palestinian villagers to hospitals will become extremely difficult.Education will be denied to many as the Wall lies between the homes of many teachers and the schools in which they teach. The Wall is also a barrier to many students reaching their schools

Qalqiliya – an example

This town has been completely encircled by the wall and the only entrance is guarded by two checkpoints, effectively strangling a once flourishing town. Israel Occupation Forces open and close checkpoints at will, and therefore the people of Qalqiliya will be trapped in the town with no access to the outside world for their daily needs and medical supplies.Jayous, in the Qalqiliya District, has already had 72% of its land (8,600 acres) and seven groundwater wells confiscated. At least 300 families are loosing their only source of income. They only receive water for two hours every three days.

source : http://www.freewebs.com/freepalestine/


منتهى القرف

منتهى القرف , هذا هو شعور أى انسان طبيعى تابع رد فعل رئيس الوزراء العراقى تجاه اغتصاب

احدى العراقيات. فالمالكى لم ينتظر أن يمر يوم على تكوين اللجنة الصورية التى شكلها

وخرج علينا مكتبه بهذا البيان الساذج.

ولم يكتفى المالكى بذلك بل قام بمكافأة المجرمين , ليضيف الى صفاته (الحميدة) صفة جديدة

. وهى أنه (ديوث) لا يهتم باتهاك اعراض شعبه

ولكن هل يحق لنا لأن نلوم ذيول الاحتلال أمثال المالكى والحكيم على جرائمهم بينما العالم العربى صامت أمام

الفتنة الطائقية ومشروع التقسيم وجرائم الحرب.؟

أتمنى ان يستيقظ العرب قبل فوات الأوان.


فضيحة شو

لم أندهش عندما تم الكشف عن فضيحة حلقة فتايات الليل التى قدمتها هالة سرحان
فأسلوبها الذى اعتاده المشاهدون يشع كذب وتدليس .
والمشاهد ليس غبى لكى يتقبل الفبركة حتى وان تم اتقانها.
فمثل هذه الحلقات التى تتناول موضوعات مثيرة
تحت اسم معالجة مشاكل المجتمع وعدم دفن الرؤس فى الرمال هدفها الاول والوحيد
هو نسبة المشاهدة العالية وحجم الاعلانات التى تترجم الى أرباح تصب فى جيوب ملوك الفبركة
والمؤسف أننا نجد من يدافع عن هذه السلع الرخيصة تحت مسمى حرية الاعلام. والغريب انهم لم يتقبلوا النقد من غيرهم
فأين حرية الاعلام؟!


هل انتهت الفتنة؟

لم تكد تنتهى اجتماعات الفلسطينيين بمكة حتى أعلنت اسرائيل رفضها للاتفاق وأعرب أكثر من مسؤل
عن انزعاحه.
وليس لذلك سوى دلالة واحدة ةهى اننا أمام عدو لا يخجل أن يعبر فى كل مناسبة عن حقده حتى وهو يتحدث عن السلام.
فهل يعى الاشقاء الفلسطينيين هذا الدرس و يمتنعوا عن تقديم هدايا مجانية وتنتهى الفتنة للابد... نأمل ذلك.


thanks "believin" شكراً

الشكر هنا للمدونه من سنغافوره "هيلى" أو كما تطلق على نفسها
وذلك ليس لأنها امتدحت ما أكتبه فى احد برامج التدوين الامريكية
ولكن لما قامت به من تقييم موضوعى ونصائح استفدت منها كثيرا
فانا تقريبا توقفت عن الكتابة فى هذا البرنامج بسبب كثرة تعليقات المتطرفين المتواجدين
بكثرة فى هذا البرنامج وعدم نزاهة مدير البرنامج وصعوبة التحكم فى التعليقات
ولكنى بدأت أرى مدونين قلائل مثل" هيللى" الذين لديهم استعداد لفهم ما يحدث بحق فى
منطقتنا وتقديم اراء حيادية ومعقولة
فشكراً هيللى


مجهود رائع

تحية لمن قاموا بانشاء هذا الموقع
أدعوكم لزيارته.


!! شوية دم

لم أتعجب كثيراَ عندما ثارت أزمة أكياس الدم. فالفساد أصبح هو القاعدة في مجتمعنا وللاسف صارت نظافة اليد استثناء

ولم اندهش عندما عرفت أن بطل الفضيحة هو عضو موقر فى مجلس الشعب و لجنة السياسات بالحزب الحاكم
فهو ليس الاول وغالبا لن يكون الاخير
ولكن ما أدهشنى حقا هذا المستوى من اللامبالاة والتبجح التى وصل اليها البعض وهم يدافعون عن هذه الصفقة المشبوهة

اذ وصف احدهم العيوب بأكياس الدم بأنها" بسيطة" و"غير قاتلة" وأن كل ما تسببه هو بعض الالام للمتبرع.

وأعتقد أن المشكلة فى المتبرعين الذين لم يتحملوا القليل "من الالم(لدعم الصناعة الوطنية,

"و لدعم جيوب بعض المسؤلين الساهرين على "خدمة الشعب


اَِِِِخر حماقات الاحتلال

لم أتعاطف يوماً مع صدام حسين , ولم اوافق على اى سياسة اتبعها, كما أننى
بالطبع من أقبل اى من أخطائه وخطاياه.

ولكن لا يوجد انسان حر يقبل ما قام به الاحتلال الامريكى وذيوله فى العراق

من جريمة واهانة للعالم العربى والاسلامى.

فاعدام صدام وفى يوم العيد -عيد الاضحى- لا يعدو كونه رسالة استهزاء وضيعة

وعملية انتقام تنم عن نفوس مريضة صارت بحكم العجز العربى تتحكم بمصير شعب ودولة.

فحتى الدول التى تسمح بعقوبة الاعدام لا تنفذه فى الاعياد.

اما اذا تحدثنا عن المحكمةالهزلية وخروقاتها للقوانين والاعراف الدولية فحدث ولا حرج

ولكن هذا التصرف لن يصب فى صالح الاحتلال وأعوانه لانه سيزيد التعاطف مع صدام الذى ظل حتى

اِخر لحظاته متماسكا متحديا